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JAX-WS Tools Component
Welcome to the JAX-WS Tools wiki. The JAX-WS Tools component is a member of the Web Tools Platform Web Services sub-project. The goal of the component is to construct frameworks for the development of Eclipse-based tools for JAX-WS development of Web Services and to provide an example of how to use the frameworks. The JAX-WS component code is based upon the rich framework set that is offered by the Web Tools Platform and will extend it where necessary. JAX-WS is a standardized set of extensions for Java to allow the construction of Java-based Web services using both POJO and WSDL interface approaches. It was developed to supersede the older JAX-RPC standard. See The JAX-WS FAQ for more details, or you can go the whole hog and download the JSR224 spec. For our exemplar implementation, we're using Apache CXF, which is a top-notch implementation of the JAX-WS and other WS-* standards. There are other runtimes that support JAX-WS programming, such as Metro from SUN, and Apache Axis. If you are using one of those, and need the tools, we'll welcome any patches you might have for us!
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