Do we have success on running the performance test procedure on the a single test?
Best practices for writing Eclipse performance tests
Has every team identified a single test case?
Common Tools and JSF Tools teams are not ready yet.
Do we have success on running the performance test procedure on the a single test?
Not really! Kaloyan has tried to run the CSS UI test suite, because it contains only a single test case. The test itself completes correctly, but the step with the graph generator fails again - Java returned: 13. There is no output or any logs to look at. The org.eclipse.test.performance plugin is patched as suggested by Nick.
The problem could be that the CSS UI test suite does not produce graphs on principle, or because there is no baseline yet. Nick will send guidelines on how to run the graph generator.
Best practices for writing Eclipse performance tests
Mark has taken a look at the Eclipse Performance HowTo. He told that the main graph on the performance results page is a result summary where each test suite should contribute. At the moment some test suites do, but other don't. We have agreed that this has to be done, but let us first run the simpler things.
Action items
Nick will send mail with instructions how he had successfully run the graph generator.
Kaloyan will proceed trying running the performance test procedure.