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WTP Performance Tests/2008-08-11
Gary Karasiuk | |
Angel Vera | Y |
Mark Hutchinson | Y |
Nick Sandonato | Y |
Carl Anderson | Y |
Kaloyan Raev | |
Raghu Srinivasan | Y |
Neil Hauge | Y |
David Williams | Y |
- Has a patch been created for a generalized performance test graph generation tool?
- Status of component performance test cases
- A clean patch has not been created for a generalized performance test graph generation tool
- Mark brought up that Webservices has a dependency on Tomcat and Axis2 along with some VM args. These should already be accounted for on the performance test machine.
Action items
- Each component should continue to identify a single test case that should work correctly.
- Nick will continue working on a patch to submit, or at least a temporary patch for WTP, so we can get graph generation working.
Initial Tests
Team | Testcase |
Common | |
Server | org.eclipse.wst.server.tests.performance.StartupExtensionTestCase |
Webservices | plugin: test: |
Source Editing | org.eclipse.wst.xml.ui.tests.performance.FormatTest |
JEE Tools | org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.tests.performance.TestCaseSAXParser |
EJB Tools | |
JSF Tools | |
Dali | org.eclipse.jpt.core.tests.internal.performance.JpaPerformanceTests
testFacetInstallUninstallPerformance |
Releng |