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XML Security Tools
The XML Security Tools are a set of plug-ins, which enable users and developers to easily canonicalize, sign, verify, encrypt and decrypt arbitrary XML documents (that is, most of the XML Security functionality).
XML is available more or less everywhere nowadays. As configuration files, for data exchange, in XML enabled databases, web services and many more. And a lot of these applications and services do not secure their XML documents: neither encryption nor digital signatures are applied. Or standard transport security like https is used. This destroys the advantages of XML and prevents parsing and processing with XML APIs for example.
Using XML Security to secure XML based information provides many advantages: the XML structure of the XML document remains intact, independent of the applied signature or encryption (or both). Arbitrary elements or element content can be secured, with different keys if desired. XML Security provides end-to-end-security, applying security directly to the message (information), not to the transport.
The XML Security Tools are a set of plug-ins, which enable users and developers to easily canonicalize, sign, verify, encrypt and decrypt arbitrary XML documents in different Eclipse editors. The aim is to support as many XML editors as possible (with a preference on the WTP XML Editor) from which all available XML Security wizards/ tools are accessible. The intent of the XML Security Tools project is to provide an easy to use possibility to secure various XML documents in various editors (or via extension points from any other plug-in). Its intention is to spread the use of XML Security and to show users the power of the W3C recommendations.
All XML security functionality is based on the Apache XML Security project Santuario. No further cryptographic software or library is required.
The Eclipse XML Security Tools are based on a contribution from the XML-Security Plug-In project, originally created by Dominik Schadow and hosted at SourceForge. Dominik has contributed that code base to Eclipse as of September 2008. All code is licensed under the Eclipse Public License.
The latest released version of the XML Security Tools can be found at the committer download page
or on the WTP Incubator download page
All documentation is fully integrated in the Eclipse help system and is included in every download of the XML Security Tools project.
User Guide
Project Status
Current status and views of the product backlog can be found on the XST Development pages. These pages will be used to show and track progress for each milestone release.
Original Project Proposal - The original project proposal.
Apache Santuario - The Apache XML Security project.
German tutorials (created for the original XML-Security Plug-In):