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VJET/Release Notes/0.10
support for multiple var statement
400719 [bug] Formatting does not work with var a,b;
400718[enhancement]VJETDoc multiple var typing
402452[formatting] Add new line after comma in multi var statement
399429[enhancement] Improve inference for - Chained var declaration/ref/assign issue
402153[bug] initializer for for loops and vjetdoc
javascript formatter enhancements
400271 JSdoc comments are formatted incorrectly
Code assist improvements
401466 [bug] No proposal after dot in col 1
402069[bug] infix _expression_ not inferred correctly
402161[enhancement] this in object literal no assist/validation of properties
402165[enhancement] Known prototype properties should be proposed
Inference / vjetdoc enhancements
402162[enhancement] Undefined type
402158[bug] Function references for globals are binding to the wrong type they are binding to the function’s return type
402157[enhancement] new Object() without vjetdoc infer as Undefined type
401565[bug] vjetdoc Function[] gives invalid error
401471First line vjetdoc type not understood
402368VJETDoc issue in for loop and for in loop
399755[bug] for in with array is resolving to String
400160[performance] To populate source lines in JstSource use ast recordLineSeparator
Refactoring name of class
399805Support refactor->Rename from right click menu in js file.
Validation improvements
403285 [enhancement] Support for factory functions
399809dead code false positive in try catch scenario
401484otype references false positive warnings
401473 [bug] warning about initializing rule false positive
399415JS parser grammar issue
402070[bug] Object.constructor should be Function not Object
403500Headless validation incorrect file being reported
403061Allow conversion from Arguments to Array
401380[bug] must be a number false warning
402472[validation] cannot convert from Object to js.Object these should be treated the same
Other VJET improvements
399432 [enhancement] Show functions in outline
402163 [bug] When F3 on Object get OOM
401483NPE in JstExpressionTypeLinkerHelper.isEqualMethodArgs(
400282Text hover NPE error
401135VjetProjectSet.psf missing
403508Initial vjet build gives this error with initial workspace empty after build again error goes away
402150[bug] Copy and paste into Script Explorer not showing new file
399171[bug] executing JsLibPreBuild....
399143[bug] Default format preferences are not read in by default
400962VJET 0.10.0 parser improvements
402486String.match should be overloaded and return String[]