Notice: This Wiki is now read only and edits are no longer possible. Please see: for the plan.
Documentation for VJET JavaScript IDE is available in 2 forms:
- Wiki Documents - Informational and referential documentation; located on the VJET open source site.
- Eclipse Cheat Sheets, Samples, and Help - Tutorial and task related topics available in Eclipse
Since VJET JavaScript IDE is an Eclipse plugin, most of the documentation will be in Eclipse. With Eclipse Cheat Sheets, you can view documentation, step through tutorials, and code at the same time.
Wiki Documents
- Getting Started
- VJET_JavaScript_IDE_Installation_Guide - Installation instructions, brief VJET JavaScript overview, where to find VJET JavaScript documentation
- Importing VJET JavaScript Type Libraries - Importing VJET JavaScript type libraries and configuring projects to use them
- Code assist and validation for 2 or more js files - How to get assist for variables/ functions defined in other files.
- Features:
- Code Assistance Features - Overview of code assist features
- Code Search Features - Overview of code search features
- VJET Docs
- Type Declarations Using VJETDoc - type declarations for JavaScript
- VJETDoc Quick Reference
- VJETDoc_Reference_Guide
Eclipse Cheat Sheets, Samples, and Help
In Eclipse, select menu item Help > Welcome
- For an overview of VJET JavaScript select the Overview page, then Developing JavaScript
- For the VJET JavaScript Hello World tutorial select the Tutorials page, then Hello VJET JavaScript World
Eclipse Cheat Sheets
Eclipse cheat sheets will be added as an ongoing documentation effort and are delivered in 2 ways:
- Bundled with the VJET JavaScript IDE plugin
- Published outside the VJET JavaScript IDE plugin and can be installed.
Published cheat sheets are available on the [VJET JavaScript Download site].
Select a Cheat Sheet
- Select menu item Help > Cheat Sheets
- Select Select a cheat sheet from the list, then open the JavaScript Development folder
- Double click the cheat sheet you want to view
Install a Cheat Sheet
- Select the menu item Help > Cheat Sheets
- Select Enter the URL of a cheat sheet, and enter the URL of the cheat sheet. Click OK.
- If a dialog pops up that indicates that certain actions/commands may not work, dismiss the dialog.
- The cheat sheet will open in Eclipse.