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VJET/JavaScript Run As
VJET supports running JavaScript and vjojs
Simple JS Run with Rhino
Basic run as vjet js application should work for simple functions and vjojs.
VJET provides a simple api for outputting to the console and is automatically wired into Rhino. vjo.sysout and vjo.syserr. This idea was borrowed from java System class.
add this file foo.js into vjet project
function foo(a){ vjo.sysout.println(a) } foo(20); foo(30);
run as vjet js application
yields in eclipse console
20.0 30.0
Simple JS Run with Web Browser
function foo(a){ alert(a) } foo(20); foo(30);
should open web browser and display two alert boxes
- alert box with 20 in it - alert box with 30 in it
js file with vjo.needs dependencies
MyProject/src/foo/bar.jsfunction foo(a){ vjo.sysout.println(a) }
vjo.needs("") foo(20); foo(30);
run as vjet application yields
20.0 30.0
VJET launcher automatically loads any js files included using vjo.needs
using simple js with vjojs class
MyProject/src/foo/MyClass.jsvjo.ctype('foo.MyClass') //< public .protos({ //>public void foo(Number) foo : function(a){ vjo.sysout.println(a) } }) .endType();
vjo.needs("foo.MyClass") foo.MyClass().foo(20); foo.MyClass().foo(30);
run as vjet application yields
20.0 30.0
using vjojs main with vjo class dependencies
MyProject/src/foo/MyClass.jsvjo.ctype('foo.MyClass') //< public .protos({ //>public void foo(Number) foo : function(a){ vjo.sysout.println(a) } }) .endType();
vjo.ctype('foo.Main') //< public .needs("foo.MyClass") .props({ //>public void main(String... args) main : function(args){ foo.MyClass().foo(20); foo.MyClass().foo(30); } }) .endType();
20.0 30.0
- Support needs comment as dependency
- Debugging JS documentation
- Running Js runner with vjojs and java
- Debugging JS in Web browser
- Support console api rather than vjo.sysout - easier to switch between web and rhino
- Linking this with homepage
Tested with Indigo SR2 and Juno SR1 versions of Eclipse.