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VJET/Java2Js Language Translation Reference mapping
- 1 Lexical Structure
- 2 Types, Values and Variables
- 3 Conversions and Promotions
- 3.1 Identity conversions – conversion to a same type, straight forward
- 3.2 Widening primitive conversions
- 3.3 Narrowing primitive conversions
- 3.4 Widening reference conversions
- 3.5 Narrowing reference conversions
- 3.6 Boxing conversions
- 3.7 Unboxing conversions
- 3.8 Unchecked conversions – not supported
- 3.9 Capture conversions – not supported
- 3.10 String conversions - convert from any other type to String
- 3.11 Value set conversions - not supported , Value set conversion is the process of mapping a floating-point value from one value set to another without changing its type.
- 3.12 Assignment conversion
- 3.13 Method invocation conversion
- 3.14 String conversion
- 3.15 Casting conversion
- 3.16 Numeric promotion
- 4 Names
- 5 Packages
- 6 Classes
- 7 Interfaces
- 8 Arrays
- 9 ERORS/TO-DO List
Lexical Structure
Not supported in AST parser
Below map shows java keyword mapping in JS/VJO
Java-keyword | Js – keyword | Vjo | Js-reserved |
case catch continue default do else finally for if try throw instanceof new return void switch this while |
case catch continue default do else finally for if try throw instanceof new return void switch this while |
char short int double float long short public protected private final
extends class interface import static enum package |
Int short int double float long short public protected private final
< .inherits > < .ctype > <.itype> < vjo.needs > < .props({ }) > < vjo.etype("pkg.Enum") > < vjo.ctype("vjo.pkgname")> |
char short int double float long short public protected private final
extends class interface import static enum package | |
byte const- reserved goto -reserved super native synchronized transient
throws assert strictfp |
byte const goto
native synchronize transient
export | ||
function in var with typeof |
java | JS | desc |
Boolean literals
true. false | Literals true/false are directly mapped in java script |
null / false
Java | JS |
( ) { } [ ] ; , . | Directly mapped |
All operators are directly mapped into js.
Java operators | Java | Js | Description |
# =
a= b;
a = a+b; a = a-b; a = a * b; a = a/b; a = a&b; if(a>b){} if(a<b){} if( !(a==b) && (x!=y) || (a<x) || (b>x) || (b<=a) || (x>=y) ){} a= a++; a= a--; a = b^a; a = a%b; a +=b; a -=b; a *=b; a /=b; a &=x; a ^= b; a %= b; a<<=b; a>>=b; a>>>=b; |
a=a+b; a=a-b; a=a*b; a=parseInt(a/b); a=a&b; if(a>b){ } if(a<b){ } if( !(a==b)&&(x!=y)||(a<x)||(b>x)||(b<=a) || (x>=y)){ } a=a++; a=a--; a=b^a; a=a%b; a+=b; a-=b; a*=b; a=parseInt(a/b); a&=x; a^=b; a%=b; a<<=b; a>>=b; a>>>=b; |
Direct translation |
Types, Values and Variables
Primitive types and values
Java | js |
boolean byte char short
long double float |
boolean int, indirectly supported , declared as int int, indirectly supported, declared as int short
long double float |
Reference Types & Values
Class type
Java | Vjo |
package com.ebay.dsf.javatojs.tests; public class A { int a=10; public int p=50; String city; String state; public void setCity(String c ){; } public String getCity(){ return; } protected void setState(String s){ this.state=s; } protected String getState(){ return this.state; } String foo(){ return "foo"; } } |
vjo.ctype("com.ebay.dsf.javatojs.tests.A") .protos({ //> int a a:10, //> public int p p:50, //> String city city:null, //> String state state:null, //> public void setCity(String c) setCity:function(c){; }, //> public String getCity() getCity:function(){ return; }, //> protected void setState(String s) setState:function(s){ this.state=s; }, //> protected String getState() getState:function(){ return this.state; }, //> String foo() foo:function(){ return "foo"; } }) .endType(); |
interface type
Java | Vjo |
package com.ebay.dsf.javatojs.tests.Inheritance; public interface Interface3 { String C3="c3"; String method3(); } |
vjo.itype("com.ebay.dsf.javatojs.tests.Inheritance.Interface3") .props({ //> public String C3 C3:"c3" }) .protos({ //> public String method3() method3:function(){ } }) .endType(); |
Array type
Java | Vjo |
long avg = 10; long[] la = {1+avg,2,3}; int[][] twoDimArray = {{1,2,3}, {4,5,6}}; String[] sa = { "a", "b", "c"}; String[] sa2 = new String[2]; Employee[] sa3 = new Employee[2]; boolean boolArr1[] = new boolean[]{true}; boolean boolArr2[][] = new boolean[][]{{false}}; boolean boolArr11[] = new boolean[twoDimArray[0][0]]; boolean boolArr12[][] = new boolean[twoDimArray[0][0]] [twoDimArray[0][1]]; |
var avg=10; var la=[1+avg,2,3]; var twoDimArray=[[1,2,3],[4,5,6]]; var sa=["a","b","c"]; var sa2=new Array(2); var sa3=new Array(2); var boolArr1=[true]; var boolArr2=[[false]]; var boolArr11=new Array(twoDimArray[0][0]); var boolArr12=new Array; |
Type Variables
Implemented in comment
package com.ebay.dsf.javatojs.tests.operators; public class Pair<T, S>{ private T first; private S second; public Pair(T f, S s){ first = f; second = s; } public T getFirst() { return first; } public S getSecond(){ return second; } } |
vjo.ctype("com.ebay.dsf.javatojs.tests.operators.Pair") .protos({ //> private T first first:null, //> private S second second:null, //> public constructs(T f,S s) constructs:function(f,s){ this.first=f; this.second=s; }, //> public T getFirst() getFirst:function(){ return this.first; }, //> public S getSecond() getSecond:function(){ return this.second; } }) .endType(); |
Parameterized type
Java | Vjo |
Vector<String> vector = new Vector(); Collection<Integer> collection = new ArrayList<Integer>(); |
//> Vector<String> vector vector:null, //> Collection<Integer> collection collection:null, //> private constructs() constructs:function(){ this.vector=new this.vjo.Vector(); this.collection=new this.vjo.ArrayList(); }, |
- Subtyping among primitive types
- Subtyping among class and interface
- Subtyping among array types
class type is defined using vjo .ctypas as
Class variable
static Integer classVariableInteger = new Integer(10); static Float classVariableFloat; static int classVariableInt; |
.props({ //> Integer classVariableInteger classVariableInteger:null, //> Float classVariableFloat classVariableFloat:null, //> int classVariableInt classVariableInt:0 }) .inits(function(){ this.vjo.Pair.classVariableInteger=new this.vjo.Integer(10); }) |
Instance variable
package com.ebay.dsf.javatojs.tests.operators; public class Pair{ Integer classVariableInteger = new Integer(10); Float classVariableFloat; int classVariableInt; } |
vjo.ctype("com.ebay.dsf.javatojs.tests.operators.Pair") .needs("") .needs("") .protos({ //> Integer classVariableInteger classVariableInteger:null, //> Float classVariableFloat classVariableFloat:null, //> int classVariableInt classVariableInt:0, //> private constructs() constructs:function(){ this.classVariableInteger=new this.vjo.Integer(10); } }) .endType(); |
Array components – are unknown variables - partially implemented
package com.ebay.dsf.javatojs.tests.operators; public class Pair{ String[] stringArray = {new String(), new String()}; Integer[] intArray; //Pair[] pairArrayInit = {new Pair(), new Pair()}; Pair(){ intArray = new Integer[2]; intArray[0] = new Integer(20); intArray[1] = 30; } } |
vjo.ctype("com.ebay.dsf.javatojs.tests.operators.Pair") .needs("") .needs("") .protos({ //> String[] stringArray stringArray:null, //> Integer[] intArray intArray:null, //> constructs() constructs:function(){ this.stringArray= [,]; this.intArray=new Array(2); this.intArray[0]=new this.vjo.Integer(20); this.intArray[1]=30; } }) .endType(); |
Method parameters
package com.ebay.dsf.javatojs.tests.operators; public class Pair{ public Pair myMethod(String s, Pair p){ String paramString = s; Pair parameterPair = p; return parameterPair; } } |
vjo.ctype("com.ebay.dsf.javatojs.tests.operators.Pair") .protos({ //> public Pair myMethod(String s,Pair p) myMethod:function(s,p){ var paramString=s; var parameterPair=p; return parameterPair; } }) .endType(); |
Parameter s, and p exist only within the function |
Constructor parameters
package com.ebay.dsf.javatojs.tests.operators; public class Pair{ String s; Integer i; Pair(String s, Integer i){ this.s =s; this.i=i; } } |
vjo.ctype("com.ebay.dsf.javatojs.tests.operators.Pair") .needs("") .protos({ //> String s s:null, //> Integer i i:null, //> constructs(String s,Integer i) constructs:function(s,i){ this.s=s; this.i=i; } }) .endType(); |
Exception-handler parameter
package com.ebay.dsf.javatojs.tests.operators; public class Pair { public Integer getNumber(){ Integer i = 10; String s = "20.9"; try{ i = new Integer(s); }catch(NumberFormatException nfe){ i = 0; } return i; } } |
vjo.ctype("com.ebay.dsf.javatojs.tests.operators.Pair") .needs("") .needs("") .protos({ //> public Integer getNumber() getNumber:function(){ var i=10; var s="20.9"; try { i=new this.vjo.Integer(s); } catch(nfe){ i=0; } return i; } }) .endType(); |
Note: variable nfe only exists inside catch block. |
Local variables
package com.ebay.dsf.javatojs.tests.operators; public class Pair { public void getNumber(){ String s = new String(); Integer i = 20; { String second = "2"; } } } |
vjo.ctype("com.ebay.dsf.javatojs.tests.operators.Pair") .needs("") .needs("") .protos({ //> public void getNumber() getNumber:function(){ var; var i=20; { var second="2"; } } }) .endType(); |
Conversions and Promotions
Note1: widening conversions do not require casts
Note2: narrowing conversions require explicit casts.
Identity conversions – conversion to a same type, straight forward
Widening primitive conversions
java | js |
byte b = 10; short s = b; int i = b; long l = b; float f = b; double d = b; |
var b=10; var s=b; var i=b; var l=b; var f=b; var d=b; |
# byte to short, int, long, float, or double
All conversions are straight forward in js |
Narrowing primitive conversions
java | vjo |
long l = 100l; byte b = (byte)l; short s = (short)l; char c = (char)l; int i = (int)l; |
var l=100; var,'byte'); var,'short'); var c=l; // there is no casting to char var,'int'); |
Note: Uses vjo util class to cast |
Widening reference conversions
java | vjo |
String stringObj = new String(); Object object = new Object(); object = stringObj; |
var; var object=new vjo.Object(); object=stringObj; |
Note: Uses vjo reference implementation for all reference types |
Narrowing reference conversions
Java | Vjo |
package com.ebay.dsf.javatojs.tests.operators; import java.util.List; public class Pair{ public List getNumber(Object object){ List list = (List) object; String str = (String) object; Object myObj = str; return list; } } |
vjo.ctype("com.ebay.dsf.javatojs.tests.operators.Pair") .needs("") .protos({ //> public List getNumber(vjo.Object object) getNumber:function(object){ var list=object; var str=object; var myObj=str; return list; } }) .endType(); |
Note: |
Boxing conversions
Java | vjo |
package com.ebay.dsf.javatojs.tests.operators; import java.util.List; public class Pair{ Byte ob = 0; Short os = 1; Integer oi = 10; Long ol = 20l; Character oc = 'C'; Float of = 10.2f; Double od = 12.3; public void test(){ Byte ob = 0; Short os = 1; Integer oi = 10; Long ol = 20l; Character oc = 'C'<nowiki>;</nowiki> Float of = 10.2f; Double od = 12.3; } } |
vjo.ctype("com.ebay.dsf.javatojs.tests.operators.Pair") .needs("") .needs("") .needs("") .needs("") .needs("") .needs("") .needs("") .protos({ //> Byte ob ob:0, //> Short os os:1, //> Integer oi oi:10, //> Long ol ol:20, //> Character oc oc:'C', //> Float of of:10.2, //> Double od od:12.3, //> public void test() test:function(){ var ob=0; var os=1; var oi=10; var ol=20; var oc='C'; var of=10.2; var od=12.3; } }) .endType(); |
Type is declared in comment for jst translation |
- From type boolean to type Boolean
- From type byte to type Byte
- From type char to type Character
- From type short to type Short
- From type int to type Integer
- From type long to type Long
- From type float to type Float
- From type double to type Double
Unboxing conversions
Java | Vjo |
package com.ebay.dsf.javatojs.tests.operators; public class Pair{ Byte ob = 0; Short os = 1; Integer oi = 10; Long ol = 20l; Character oc = 'C'; Float of = 10.2f; Double od = 12.3; byte b = ob; short s = os; int i = oi; long l = ol; char c = oc; float f = of; double d = od; } |
vjo.ctype("com.ebay.dsf.javatojs.tests.operators.Pair") .needs("") .needs("") .needs("") .needs("") .needs("") .needs("") .needs("") .protos({ //> Byte ob ob:null, //> Short os os:null, //> Integer oi oi:null, //> Long ol ol:null, //> Character oc oc:null, //> Float of of:null, //> Double od od:null, //> byte b b:0, //> short s s:0, //> int i i:0, //> long l l:0, //> char c c:null, //> float f f:0, //> double d d:0, //> private constructs() constructs:function(){ this.ob=new this.vjo.Byte(0); this.os=new this.vjo.Short(1); this.oi=new this.vjo.Integer(10); this.ol=new this.vjo.Long(20); this.oc=new this.vjo.Character('C'); this.of=new this.vjo.Float(10.2); this.od=new this.vjo.Double(12.3); this.b=this.ob.byteValue(); this.s=this.os.shortValue(); this.i=this.oi.intValue(); this.l=this.ol.longValue(); this.c=this.oc.charValue(); this.f=this.of.floatValue(); this.d=this.od.doubleValue(); } }) .endType(); |
- From type Boolean to type boolean
- From type Byte to type byte
- From type Character to type char
- From type Short to type short
- From type Integer to type int
- From type Long to type long
- From type Float to type float
- From type Double to type double
Unchecked conversions – not supported
Capture conversions – not supported
String conversions - convert from any other type to String
String conversion applies only to the operands of the binary + operator when one
of the arguments is a String. When adding string to any object, java calls toString() and append to the string. This behavior is partially supported, ie., only with the user defined type with toString() implemented in it, other java objects are not supported. | |
Java | js |
package j2jtest.conversion; import j2jtest.Out; public class Conversion { public void method1(){ AnotherClass obj = new AnotherClass(); String simpleStr = " Simple String" + obj; Out.log("simpleStr = "+ simpleStr); } } |
vjo.ctype("j2jtest.conversion.Conversion") .needs("j2jtest.Out") .protos({ //> public void method1() method1:function(){ var obj=new this.vjo.AnotherClass(); var simpleStr=" Simple String"+obj; this.vjo.Out.log("simpleStr = "+simpleStr); } }) .endType(); |
Java | Vjo |
package com.ebay.dsf.javatojs.tests.operators; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class Pair{ List list = new ArrayList(); String s<nowiki>= "a"+ list; public String getStringFromObject(List myList){ String s = "Items in List "+ myList; return myList.toString(); } } |
vjo.ctype("com.ebay.dsf.javatojs.tests.operators.Pair") .needs("") .needs("") .protos({ //> List list list:null, //> String s s:null, //> private constructs() constructs:function(){ this.list=new this.vjo.ArrayList(); this.s="a"+this.list; }, //> public String getStringFromObject(List myList) getStringFromObject:function(myList){ var s="Items in List "+myList; return myList.toString(); } }) .endType(); |
style="border:1px solid #AAAAAA;padding: 0.2em;"| Note: use toString() method on reference object |
Value set conversions - not supported , Value set conversion is the process of mapping a floating-point value from one value set to another without changing its type.
Assignment conversion
Method invocation conversion
Java | Vjo |
package com.ebay.dsf.javatojs.tests.operators; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class Pair{ public void testMethod(){ Integer integer = new Integer(10); int intValue = 20; ArrayList list = null; identityConversion(integer); wideningPrimitiveConversion(intValue); wideningReferenceConversion(list); boxingConversion(intValue); unboxingConversion(intValue); } public void identityConversion(Integer i){ } public void wideningPrimitiveConversion(long l){ } public void wideningReferenceConversion( List list){ } public void boxingConversion(Integer i){ } public void unboxingConversion(int i){ } } |
vjo.ctype("com.ebay.dsf.javatojs.tests.operators.Pair") .needs("") .needs("") .needs("") .protos({ //> public void testMethod() testMethod:function(){ var integer=new this.vjo.Integer(10); var intValue=20; var list=null; this.identityConversion(integer); this.wideningPrimitiveConversion(intValue); this.wideningReferenceConversion(list); this.boxingConversion(new this.vjo.Integer(intValue)); this.unboxingConversion(intValue); }, //> public void identityConversion(Integer i) identityConversion:function(i){ }, //> public void wideningPrimitiveConversion(long l) wideningPrimitiveConversion:function(l){ }, //> public void wideningReferenceConversion(List list) wideningReferenceConversion:function(list){ }, //> public void boxingConversion(Integer i) boxingConversion:function(i){ }, //> public void unboxingConversion(int i) unboxingConversion:function(i){ } }) .endType(); |
String conversion
Casting conversion
Numeric promotion
declarations | Java | Vjo |
package | package com.ebay.dsf.javatojs.tests.operators; |
vjo.ctype (“com.ebay.dsf.javatojs.tests.operators.Pair”) |
import |
Only single type import is supported. Import on demand would be converted into necessary single type import. | |
import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; |
.needs("") .needs("") | |
import java.util.*; |
.needs("") .needs("") | |
class | public class Pair | vjo.ctype("com.ebay.dsf.javatojs.tests.operators.Pair") |
interface |
package com.ebay.dsf.operators; public interface PairInterface{ } |
vjo.itype("com.ebay.dsf.operators.PairInterface") .endType(); |
member class |
package j2jtest; public class Pair{ private int p = 0; class PairInner{ int iCanAccessParentPrivateToo(){ return p; } } public void testMethod(){ } } |
vjo.ctype("j2jtest.Pair") .protos({ //> private int p p:0, PairInner:vjo.ctype() .protos({ //> int iCanAccessParentPrivateToo() iCanAccessParentPrivateToo:function(){ return this.vjo.outer.p; } }) .endType(), //> public void testMethod() testMethod:function(){ } }) .endType(); |
member interface |
package j2jtest; public class Pair{ interface Colors { int ''WHITE'' = 0, ''BLACK'' = 1; int getColor(); } } |
vjo.ctype("j2jtest.Pair") .protos({ Colors:vjo.itype() .props({ //> public int WHITE WHITE:0, //> public int BLACK BLACK:1 }) .protos({ //> public int getColor() getColor:function(){ } }) .endType() }) .endType(); |
enum constant | TODO: ERROR: Enum, not completely implemented. See the missing function for enum SUNDAY | |
package j2jtest; public enum EnumTest { SUNDAY{ int getIndex(){ return 0; } }, MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY } |
vjo.etype("j2jtest.EnumTest") .values("SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY") .endType(); | |
field in class and interface
method in class and interface local variable in block local variable in for statement parameter of a method in class and interface parameter of an exception handler |
package j2jtest; public class Pair{ Integer fieldInClass = new Integer(10); public void methodInClass (String parameterOfaMethodInClass){ String sh = "shhhhhh!";{ Integer localVarInblock = 90; } for( int i=0; i<20; i++){ String localVarInForStatement = ""+i; try{ Integer k = new Integer(localVarInForStatement); }catch (Exception parameterOfAnExceptionHandler){ } } } interface Colors { Integer ''fieldInInterface'' = 20; int methodInInterface (String parameterOfaMethodInInterface); } } |
vjo.ctype("j2jtest.Pair") .needs("") .needs("") .protos({ //> Integer fieldInClass fieldInClass:null, Colors:vjo.itype() .props({ //> public Integer fieldInInterface fieldInInterface:null }) .protos({ //> public int methodInInterface (String parameterOfaMethodInInterface) methodInInterface:function (parameterOfaMethodInInterface){ } }) .inits(function(){ this.vjo.Colors.fieldInInterface= new this.vjo.Integer(20); }) .endType(), //> private constructs() constructs:function(){ this.fieldInClass=new this.vjo.Integer(10); }, //> public void methodInClass (String parameterOfaMethodInClass) methodInClass:function(parameterOfaMethodInClass){ var sh="shhhhhh!"<nowiki>;</nowiki> { var localVarInblock=new this.vjo.Integer(90); } for (var <nowiki>i=0;i<20;i++)</nowiki>{ var localVarInForStatement=""+i; try { var k=new this.vjo.Integer (localVarInForStatement); } catch(parameterOfAnExceptionHandler){ } } } }) .endType(); |
Names and Identifiers
Scope of a Declaration
Shadowing Declaration
Java | Vjo |
package j2jtest; public class Pair{ int x = 20; void myMethod(){ int x = 10; System.err.println("x ="+ x); System.err.println("thix.x="+ this.x); } } |
vjo.ctype("j2jtest.Pair") .needs("") .protos({ //> int x x:20, //> void myMethod() myMethod:function(){ var x=10; this.vjo.System.err.println("x = "+x); this.vjo.System.err.println("thix.x = "+this.x); } }) .endType(); |
Above shows shadowing of a field x by a local variable x . |
Obscured Declarations
Members and Inheritance
Java | js |
package j2jtest.member; import j2jtest.Out; public class Derived extends Base{ String instanceMember; static String staticMember; public void method1(){ String local = inheritedMemberVar; local = inheritedStaticMemberVar; local = instanceMember; local = staticMember; local = ""; inheritedMemberMethod(); inheritedStaticMemberMethod(); override(); super.override(); overload(); overload(local); } public void memberMethod(){ Out.log("Derived.memberMethod"); } public static void memberStaticMethod(){ Out.log("Derived.memberStaticMethod"); } public void override(){ Out.log("Derived.override"); } public void overload(String s){ Out.log("Derived.overload(String)"); } public void abstractMethod(){ Out.log("Derived.abstractMethod"); } public void abstractMethod(String value){ Out.log("Derived.abstractMethod(String)"); } } package j2jtest.member; import j2jtest.Out; public abstract class Base { String inheritedMemberVar; static String inheritedStaticMemberVar; public void inheritedMemberMethod(){ Out.log("Base.inheritedMemberMethod"); } public void inheritedStaticMemberMethod(){ Out.log("Base.inheritedStaticMemberMethod"); } public void override(){ Out.log("Base.override"); } public void overload(){ Out.log("Base.overload"); } } |
vjo.ctype("j2jtest.member.Derived") .needs("j2jtest.Out") .needs("j2jtest.member.Base") .inherits("j2jtest.member.Base") .props({ //> String staticMember staticMember:null, //> public void memberStaticMethod() memberStaticMethod:function(){ this.vjo.Out.log("Derived.memberStaticMethod"); } }) .protos({ //> String instanceMember instanceMember:null, //> public void method1() method1:function(){ var local=this.inheritedMemberVar; local=this.vjo.Base.inheritedStaticMemberVar; local=this.instanceMember; local=this.vjo.Derived.staticMember; local=""; this.inheritedMemberMethod(); this.inheritedStaticMemberMethod(); this.override(); this.base.override(); overload(); this.overload(local); }, //> public void memberMethod() memberMethod:function(){ this.vjo.Out.log("Derived.memberMethod"); }, //> public void override() override:function(){ this.vjo.Out.log("Derived.override"); }, //> public void abstractMethod() //> public void abstractMethod(String value) abstractMethod:function(){ if(arguments.length===0){ this.abstractMethod_0_0_Derived_ovld(); }else if(this.base && this.base.abstractMethod){ this.base.abstractMethod.apply(this,arguments); }else if(arguments.length===1){ if(arguments[0] instanceof String || typeof arguments[0]=="string"){ this.abstractMethod_1_0_Derived_ovld(arguments[0]); }else if(this.base && this.base.abstractMethod){ this.base.abstractMethod.apply(this,arguments); } }else if(this.base && this.base.abstractMethod){ this.base.abstractMethod.apply(this,arguments); } }, //> private void abstractMethod_0_0_Derived_ovld() abstractMethod_0_0_Derived_ovld:function(){ this.vjo.Out.log("Derived.abstractMethod"); }, //> private void //abstractMethod_1_0_Derived_ovld(String value) abstractMethod_1_0_Derived_ovld:function(value){ this.vjo.Out.log("Derived.abstractMethod(String)"); }, //> public void overload(String s) overload:function(s){ if(arguments.length===1){ if(arguments[0] instanceof String || typeof arguments[0]=="string"){ this.overload_1_0_Derived_ovld(arguments[0]); }else if(this.base && this.base.overload){ this.base.overload.apply(this,arguments); } }else if(this.base && this.base.overload){ this.base.overload.apply(this,arguments); } }, //> private void overload_1_0_Derived_ovld(String s) overload_1_0_Derived_ovld:function(s){ this.vjo.Out.log("Derived.overload(String)"); } }) .endType(); |
Access Control
Java | vjo |
package j2jtest; public class Pair{ int packageAccess; public int publicAccess; private int privateAccess; protected int protectedAccess; void packageMethod(){ } public void publicMethod(){ } private void privateMethod(){ } protected void protectedMethod(){ } } |
vjo.ctype("j2jtest.Pair") .protos({ //> int packageAccess packageAccess:0, //> public int publicAccess publicAccess:0, //> private int privateAccess privateAccess:0, //> protected int protectedAccess protectedAccess:0, //> void packageMethod() packageMethod:function(){ }, //> public void publicMethod() publicMethod:function(){ }, //> private void privateMethod() privateMethod:function(){ }, //> protected void protectedMethod() protectedMethod:function(){ } }) .endType(); |
Fully Qualified Names and Canonical Names
package j2jtest; public class Pair{ java.lang.Integer packageAccess; java.util.List l = new java.util.ArrayList(); java.util.Date utilDate = new java.util.Date(); java.sql.Date sqlDate = new java.sql.Date(utilDate.getTime()); } |
vjo.ctype("j2jtest.Pair") .needs("") .needs("") .needs("") .needs("java.util.Date") .needs("java.sql.Date") .protos({ //> Integer packageAccess packageAccess:null, //> List l l:null, //> Date utilDate utilDate:null, //> Date sqlDate sqlDate:null, //> private constructs() constructs:function(){ this.l=new this.vjo.ArrayList(); this.utilDate=new java.util.Date(); this.sqlDate=new java.sql.Date(this.utilDate.getTime()); } }) .endType(); |
Package Members
Compilation Units
No implicit imports (ex., java.lang package), imported only if it’s used. | |
package j2jtest; public class Pair{ Integer i = 10; } |
vjo.ctype("j2jtest.Pair") .needs("") .protos({ //> Integer i i:null, //> private constructs() constructs:function(){ this.i=new this.vjo.Integer(10); } }) .endType(); |
Package Declarations
There is no explicit package declaration, package name is added to type declaration (name space of type) | |
package j2jtest; public class Pair{ } |
vjo.ctype("j2jtest.Pair") |
Does not support import on-demand, for ex., package.*;
All the compilation units needs to be imported separately . | |
package j2jtest; import java.util.*; // public class Pair{ List list; HashMap map; } |
vjo.ctype("j2jtest.Pair") .needs("") .needs("") .protos({ //> List list list:null, //> HashMap map map:null }) .endType(); |
Top Level Type Declarations
All types should be imported explicitly even if the type belongs to the same package. For ex., from the below code, though Pair2 is defined in the same package of Pair, it requires import, | |
package j2jtest; import java.util.*; public class Pair{ List list; HashMap map; Pair2 pair2OnSamePackage; } |
vjo.ctype("j2jtest.Pair") .needs("") .needs("") .needs("j2jtest.Pair2") .protos({ //> List list list:null, //> HashMap map map:null, //> Pair2 pair2OnSamePackage pair2OnSamePackage:null }) .endType(); |
Class Declaration
Class Modifiers
Java | Vjo | |
class |
package j2jtest; public class Pair{ Integer i = 10; } |
vjo.ctype("j2jtest.Pair") .needs("") .protos({ //> Integer i i:null, //> private constructs() constructs:function(){ this.i=new this.vjo.Integer(10); } }) .endType(); |
abstract class |
package j2jtest; public abstract class AbstractClassTest{ } |
vjo.ctype("j2jtest.AbstractClassTest") .endType(); |
final class |
package j2jtest; public final class AbstractClassTest{ } |
vjo.ctype("j2jtest.AbstractClassTest") .makeFinal() .endType(); |
Sstrictfp class | Not supported |
Generic Classes and Type Parameters
Java | Vjo |
package j2jtest; public class Pair<T>{ T value; void set(T t){ this.value = t; } T get(){ return value; } Pair<String> testMethod(){ Pair<String> pair = new Pair<String>(); return pair; } } |
vjo.ctype("j2jtest.Pair") .protos({ //> T value value:null, //> void set(T t) set:function(t){ this.value=t; }, //> T get() get:function(){ return this.value; } }) .endType(); //> Pair<String> testMethod() testMethod:function(){ var pair=new this.vjo.Pair(); return pair; } |
Inner Classes and Enclosing Instances
- Nested
- static
- inner
- anonymous
- local
| ||
Static |
package j2jtest; public class Pair2 { void anOuterMethod() { } public static class NestedStatic { void aNestedStaticMethod() { } } } |
vjo.ctype("j2jtest.Pair2") .props({ NestedStatic://> public NestedStatic vjo.ctype() .protos({ //> void aNestedStaticMethod() aNestedStaticMethod:function(){ } }) .endType() }) .protos({ //> void anOuterMethod() anOuterMethod:function(){ } }) .endType(); |
inner –one level |
package j2jtest; public class OuterClass { int outerVar = 10; class InnerClass{ void innerMethod(){ Out.log("inner" +outerVar); } } static void testMethod(){ OuterClass outerClass = new OuterClass(); OuterClass.InnerClass innerClass = new OuterClass().new InnerClass(); innerClass.innerMethod(); innerClass = InnerClass(); innerClass.innerMethod(); } } |
vjo.ctype("j2jtest.OuterClass") .needs("j2jtest.Out") .props({ //> void testMethod() testMethod:function(){ var outerClass=new this(); var innerClass= new (new this()).InnerClass(); innerClass.innerMethod(); innerClass= new outerClass.InnerClass(); innerClass.innerMethod(); } }) .protos({ //> int outerVar outerVar:10, InnerClass://> InnerClass vjo.ctype() .protos({ //> void innerMethod() innerMethod:function(){ this.vjo.Out.log( "Inside inner class"+ this.vjo.outer.outerVar); } }) .endType() }) .endType(); |
inner –two level
ERROR inInClass, not getting created |
package j2jtest; public class OuterClass { int outerVar = 10; class InnerClass{ class InnerInnerClass{ void innerInnerMethod(String mssg){ Out.log("InnerInner " +mssg); } } void innerMethod(String mssg){ Out.log("Inner " +mssg); } } static void testMethod(){ OuterClass.InnerClass innerClass = new OuterClass().new InnerClass(); OuterClass.InnerClass.InnerInnerClass inInClass = InnerInnerClass(); innerClass.innerMethod("mssg1"); inInClass.innerInnerMethod("mssg2"); } } |
vjo.ctype("j2jtest.OuterClass") .needs("j2jtest.Out") .props({ //> void testMethod() testMethod:function(){ var innerClass=new (new this()) .InnerClass(); var inInClass; innerClass.innerMethod("mssg1"); inInClass.innerInnerMethod("mssg2"); } }) .protos({ //> int outerVar outerVar:10, InnerClass://> InnerClass vjo.ctype() .protos({ InnerInnerClass://> InnerInnerClass vjo.ctype() .protos({ //> void innerInnerMethod(String mssg) innerInnerMethod:function(mssg){ this.vjo.Out.log("InnerInner "+mssg); } }) .endType(), //> void innerMethod(String mssg) innerMethod:function(mssg){ this.vjo.Out.log("Inner "+mssg); } }) .endType() }) .endType(); |
ERROR Not getting created/initialized |
package j2jtest.innerclass; import j2jtest.Out; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class AnonymousInnerclass { List list = new ArrayList(3) { { add("One"); add("Two"); add("Three"); } }; public void testMethod(){ for(Object value: list){ Out.log("value="+value); } } } |
vjo.ctype ("j2jtest.innerclass.AnonymousInnerclass") .needs("") .needs("") .needs("j2jtest.Out") .protos({ //> List list list:null, //> private constructs() constructs:function(){ this.list= vjo.make(this,,3); }, //> public void testMethod() testMethod:function(){ this.vjo.Out.log("value="); for (var value,_$itr=this.list.iterator(); _$itr.hasNext();){ value=_$; this.vjo.Out.log("value="+value); } } }) .endType(); |
Superclasses and Subclasses
Please refer Names. Members and Inheritance
Java | Js |
package j2jtest.superinterface; public interface BaseInterface{ public void method1(); public void method(int i); } |
vjo.itype("j2jtest.superinterface.BaseInterface") .protos({ //> public void method1() method1:function(){ }, //> public void method(int i) method:function(i){ } }) .endType(); |
package j2jtest.superinterface; public class ImplClass implements BaseInterface{ public void method1(){ } public void method(int i){ } } |
vjo.ctype("j2jtest.superinterface.ImplClass") .needs("j2jtest.superinterface.BaseInterface") .satisfies("j2jtest.superinterface.BaseInterface") .protos({ //> public void method1() method1:function(){ }, //> public void method(int i) method:function(i){ } }) .endType(); |
package j2jtest.superinterface; public interface SubInterface extends SuperInterface { } |
vjo.itype("j2jtest.superinterface.SubInterface") .needs("j2jtest.superinterface.SuperInterface") .inherits("j2jtest.superinterface.SuperInterface") .endType(); |
Class Body and Member Declarations
Java | js |
package j2jtest.classbodyandmember; public class ClassBody { String field1; static int staticField; static{staticField=12;} {field1="field1Str";} interface classinterface{ void m1(); } class classclass{ void m1(){} } void m1(){} ClassBody(){} ClassBody(Integer a){} } |
vjo.ctype("j2jtest.classbodyandmember.ClassBody") .needs("") .props({ //> int staticField staticField:0 }) .protos({ //> String field1 field1:null, classinterface://> public classinterface vjo.itype() .protos({ //> public void m1() m1:function(){ } }) .endType(), classclass://> classclass vjo.ctype() .protos({ //> void m1() m1:function(){ } }) .endType(), //> constructs() //> constructs(Integer a) constructs:function(){ { this.field1="field1Str"; } if(arguments.length===0){ this.constructs_0_0_ClassBody_ovld(); }else if(arguments.length===1){ this.constructs_1_0_ClassBody_ovld(arguments[0]); } }, //> void m1() m1:function(){ }, //> private constructs_0_0_ClassBody_ovld() constructs_0_0_ClassBody_ovld:function(){ }, //> private constructs_1_0_ClassBody_ovld(Integer a) constructs_1_0_ClassBody_ovld:function(a){ } }) .inits(function(){ { this.vjo.ClassBody.staticField=12; } }) .endType(); |
Class Members - see Class Body and Member Declarations
Field Declarations
Java | Vjo | |
access modifier
public, private, protected |
public Integer I =10; private Integer j =20; protected Integer k=0; |
.protos({ //> public Integer i i:null, //> private Integer j j:null, //> protected Integer k k:null, //> EnumTest etest etest:null, //> private constructs() constructs:function(){ this.i=new this.vjo.Integer(10); this.j=new this.vjo.Integer(20); this.k=new this.vjo.Integer(0); }, |
static fields |
class TestClass { public final Integer i = 10; private final Integer j = 20; protected static final Integer k = 0; } |
vjo.ctype("j2jtest.TestClass") .props({ //> public Integer i i:null, //> private Integer j j:null, //> protected Integer k k:null }) .inits(function(){ this.vjo.TestClass.i=new this.vjo.Integer(10); this.vjo.TestClass.j=new this.vjo.Integer(20); this.vjo.TestClass.k=new this.vjo.Integer(0); }) .endType(); |
final fields | class TestClass { public static final Integer i = 10; private static final Integer j = 20; protected static final Integer k = 0; } |
vjo.ctype("j2jtest.TestClass") .props({ //> final public Integer i i:null, //> final private Integer j j:null, //> final protected Integer k k:null }) .inits(function(){ this.vjo.TestClass.i=new this.vjo.Integer(10); this.vjo.TestClass.j=new this.vjo.Integer(20); this.vjo.TestClass.k=new this.vjo.Integer(0); }) .endType(); |
Transient – | class TestClass { transient Integer i = 10; } |
Not Supported |
Method Declarations
method modifiers | ||
static, final methods |
package j2jtest; public abstract class Pair2{ abstract void abstractMethod(); static void staticMethod(); public final void finalMethod(){ } public native void nativeMethod(); public synchronized void synchronizedMethod() { } strictfp void strictfpMethod(){ } } |
vjo.ctype("j2jtest.Pair2") //< abstract .props({ //> void staticMethod() staticMethod:function(){ } }) .protos({ //> abstract void abstractMethod() abstractMethod:function(){ }, //> final public void finalMethod() finalMethod:function(){ }, //> public void nativeMethod() nativeMethod:function(){ }, //> public void synchronizedMethod() synchronizedMethod:function(){ }, //> void strictfpMethod() strictfpMethod:function(){ } }) .endType();
synchronized native strictfp
are not supported |
Method throws not supported | public void method1() throws Exception { } |
//> public void method1() method1:function(){ } |
Overloading | package j2jtest; public class Pair2{ public void method1() { } public void method1(int i){ } public void callMethod(){ method1(); method1(); } } |
vjo.ctype("j2jtest.Pair2") .protos({ //> public void method1() method1:function(){ if(arguments.length===0){ this.method1_0_0(); }else if(arguments.length===1){ this.method1_1_0(arguments[0]); } }, //> public void method1_0_0() method1_0_0:function(){ }, //> public void method1_1_0(int i) method1_1_0:function(i){ }, //> public void callMethod() callMethod:function(){ this.method1(); this.method1(); } }) .endType(); |
If a static field/method is accessed through instance object, it would be converted to use fully qualified class name to access.
Member Type Declarations
Java | Vjo |
package j2jtest; public class Pair2{ abstract class Abstractclass{ } interface MyInterface{ } protected class ProtectedClass extends Abstractclass{ } private class PrivateClass implements MyInterface{ } static class StaticClass { } final class FinalClass{ } PrivateClass pclass = new PrivateClass(); ProtectedClass prClass = new ProtectedClass(); StaticClass sClass = new StaticClass(); Abstractclass aClass = new ProtectedClass(); MyInterface mInterface = new PrivateClass(); FinalClass fClass = new FinalClass(); } |
vjo.ctype("j2jtest.Pair2") .props({ StaticClass:vjo.ctype() .endType() }) .protos({ //> PrivateClass pclass pclass:null, //> ProtectedClass prClass prClass:null, //> StaticClass sClass sClass:null, //> Abstractclass aClass aClass:null, //> MyInterface mInterface mInterface:null, //> FinalClass fClass fClass:null, Abstractclass:vjo.ctype() //< abstract .endType(), MyInterface:vjo.itype() .endType(), ProtectedClass:vjo.ctype() .inherits("j2jtest.Pair2.Abstractclass") .endType(), PrivateClass:vjo.ctype() .satisfies("j2jtest.Pair2.MyInterface") .endType(), FinalClass:vjo.ctype() .makeFinal() .endType(), //> private constructs() constructs:function(){ this.pclass=new PrivateClass(); this.prClass=new ProtectedClass(); this.sClass=new this.StaticClass(); this.aClass=new ProtectedClass(); this.mInterface=new PrivateClass(); this.fClass=new FinalClass(); } }) .endType(); |
Instance Initializers
package j2jtest; public class Pair2{ Integer wrapperInteger = 10; Float wrapperFloat = 12.2f; } |
vjo.ctype("j2jtest.Pair2") .needs("") .needs("") .protos({ //> Integer wrapperInteger wrapperInteger:null, //> Float wrapperFloat wrapperFloat:12.2, //> private constructs() constructs:function(){ this.wrapperInteger=new this.vjo.Integer(10); } }) .endType(); |
Static Initializers
package j2jtest; public class Pair2 { public static Integer i = new Integer(20); private static Float f = new Float(23); static Pair2 pair; static{ pair = new Pair2(); } } |
vjo.ctype("j2jtest.Pair2") .needs("") .needs("") .props({ //> public Integer i i:null, //> private Float f f:null, //> Pair2 pair pair:null }) .inits(function(){ this.vjo.Pair2.i=new this.vjo.Integer(20); this.vjo.Pair2.f=new this.vjo.Float(23); { this.pair=new this(); } }) .endType(); |
Constructor Declarations - see Class Body and Member Declarations
Java | js |
package j2jtest.enum1; public enum EnumTest { SUNDAY{ int getIndex(){ return 0; } }, MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY } |
vjo.etype("j2jtest.enum1.EnumTest") .values("SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY") .inits(function(){ this.SUNDAY.getIndex=function(){ return 0; }; }) .endType(); |
package j2jtest; public class Pair2 { public final int N = 10; private int[] x = new int[N]; { for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) x[i] = i; } public static int L = 5; private static int[] y=new int[L];; static { for (int i = 0; i < L; i++) y[i] = i; } } |
vjo.ctype("j2jtest.Pair2") .props({ //> final public int L L:5, //> private int[] y y:null }) .protos({ //> final public int N N:10, //> private int[] x x:null, //> private constructs() constructs:function(){ this.x=new Array(this.N); { for (var i=0;i<this.N;i++){ this.x[i]=i; } } } }) .inits(function(){ this.vjo.Pair2.y=new Array(this.L); { for (var i=0;i<this.L;i++){ this.y[i]=i; } } }) .endType(); |
Interface Declarations
Instance Members
Field (Constant) Declarations
Abstract Method Declarations
Member Type Declarations
Java | js |
package j2jtest.interfaces; public interface SuperInterface { String memberStr=""; public int var1=1; public static int var2=2; public static final int var3 = 3; String var4 = ""+var3; void m1(); void m1(int i); public void m2(); abstract void m3(); public abstract void m4(); } |
vjo.itype("j2jtest.interfaces.SuperInterface") .props({ //> public String memberStr memberStr:"", //> public int var1 var1:1, //> public int var2 var2:2, //> final public int var3 var3:3, //> public String var4 var4:null }) .protos({ //> void m1() //> public void m1(int i) m1:function(){ if(arguments.length===0){ this.m1_0_0_SuperInterface_ovld(); }else if(arguments.length===1){ this.m1_1_0_SuperInterface_ovld(arguments[0]); } }, //> private void m1_0_0_SuperInterface_ovld() m1_0_0_SuperInterface_ovld:function(){ }, //> private void m1_1_0_SuperInterface_ovld(int i) m1_1_0_SuperInterface_ovld:function(i){ }, //> public void m2() m2:function(){ }, //> public abstract void m3() m3:function(){ }, //> public abstract void m4() m4:function(){ } }) .inits(function(){ this.vjo.SuperInterface.var4=""+this.var3; }) .endType(); |
package j2jtest.interfaces; public interface SubInterface extends SuperInterface{ public static int memberInt=20; public static String var3 = ""+var2; } |
vjo.itype("j2jtest.interfaces.SubInterface") .needs("j2jtest.interfaces.SuperInterface") .inherits("j2jtest.interfaces.SuperInterface") .props({ //> public int memberInt memberInt:20, //> public String var3 var3:null }) .inits(function(){ this.vjo.SubInterface.var3=""+this.vjo.SuperInterface.var2; }) .endType();
Java | Vjo |
long avg = 10; long[] la = {1+avg,2,3}; int[][] twoDimArray = {{1,2,3}, {4,5,6}}; String[] sa = { "a", "b", "c"}; String[] sa2 = new String[2]; Employee[] sa3 = new Employee[2]; boolean boolArr1[] = new boolean[]{true}; boolean boolArr2[][] = new boolean[][]{{false}}; boolean boolArr11[] = new boolean[twoDimArray[0][0]]; boolean boolArr12[][] = new boolean[twoDimArray[0][0]] [twoDimArray[0][1]];
var avg=10; var la=[1+avg,2,3]; var twoDimArray=[[1,2,3],[4,5,6]]; var sa=["a","b","c"]; var sa2=new Array(2); var sa3=new Array(2); var boolArr1=[true]; var boolArr2=[[false]]; var boolArr11=new Array(twoDimArray[0][0]); var boolArr12=new Array; |
1. FIXED. Field initialization should maintain the order. From the below example, initialization order is not maintained. myInt should be initialized before i.
package j2jtest; public class Pair2{ Integer myInt = 10; int i = myInt; } |
vjo.ctype("j2jtest.Pair2") .needs("") .protos({ //> Integer myInt myInt:null, //> int i i:0, //> constructs() constructs:function(){ this.i=this.myInt.intValue(); this.myInt=new this.vjo.Integer(10); } }) .endType(); |
2. DOCUMENTED. Overload with primitive and wrapper argument is not correctly transferred in js dispatcher function. From the below example, overLoad(Integer i) would be called regardless of parameter.
package j2jtest; public class Pair2{ void overLoad(int i){ System.out.println("called with primitive int"); } void overLoad(Integer i){ System.out.println("called with wrapper int"); } void callOverLoad(){ overLoad(10); overLoad(new Integer(12)); } } |
vjo.ctype("j2jtest.Pair2") .needs("") .needs("") .protos({ //> void overLoad() overLoad:function(){ if(arguments.length===1){ if(arguments[0] instanceof{ this.overLoad_1_0(arguments[0].intValue()); }else if(arguments[0] instanceof{ this.overLoad_1_1(arguments[0]); } } }, //> void overLoad_1_0(int i) overLoad_1_0:function(i){ this.vjo.System.out.println("called with primitive int"); }, //> void overLoad_1_1(Integer i) overLoad_1_1:function(i){ this.vjo.System.out.println("called with wrapper int"); }, //> void callOverLoad() callOverLoad:function(){ this.overLoad(new this.vjo.Integer(10)); this.overLoad(new this.vjo.Integer(12)); } }) .endType(); |
3. FIXED. Instance initialization is not consistence. From the below example, float1 and double1 are not initialized in the init constructor.
package j2jtest; public class Pair2{ Integer integer2 = 20; Integer integer1 = new Integer(10); Float float1 = 12.2f; Float float2 = new Float(12); Double double1 = 30.5; } |
vjo.ctype("j2jtest.Pair2") .needs("") .needs("") .needs("") .protos({ //> Integer integer2 integer2:null, //> Integer integer1 integer1:null, //> Float float1 float1:12.2, //> Float float2 float2:null, //> Double double1 double1:30.5, //> private constructs() constructs:function(){ this.integer1=new this.vjo.Integer(10); this.float2=new this.vjo.Float(12); this.integer2=new this.vjo.Integer(20); } }) .endType(); |
4. NOT APPLICABLE: Don’t give function name starts with “constructs” ie., constructs_0_0. if you have then you’ll see unexpected result as shown below
package j2jtest; public class Pair2{ Integer integer1=12; Float f = 23.4f; Pair2(){ System.out.println("No arg constructor"); constructs_0_0(); } Pair2(Integer initValue){ System.out.println("One arg constructor"); } void constructs_0_0(){ System.out.println(" this is not a constructor"); } } |
vjo.ctype("j2jtest.Pair2") .needs("") .needs("") .needs("") .protos({ //> Integer integer1 integer1:null, //> Float f f:23.4, //> constructs() constructs:function(){ this.integer1=new this.vjo.Integer(12); if(arguments.length===0){ if(arguments.length==0){ this.constructs_0_0_0_0(); }else if(arguments.length==0){ this.constructs_0_0_0_0(); } }else if(arguments.length===1){ this.constructs_1_0(arguments[0]); } }, //> constructs_1_0(Integer initValue) constructs_1_0:function(initValue){ this.vjo.System.out.println("One arg constructor"); }, //> constructs() constructs:function(){ this.integer1=new this.vjo.Integer(12); if(arguments.length===0){ if(arguments.length==0){ this.constructs_0_0_0_0(); }else if(arguments.length==0){ this.constructs_0_0_0_0(); } }else if(arguments.length===1){ this.constructs_1_0(arguments[0]); }else if(arguments.length===0){ if(arguments.length==0){ this.constructs_0_0_0_0(); }else if(arguments.length==0){ this.constructs_0_0_0_0(); } }else if(arguments.length===1){ this.constructs_1_0(arguments[0]); } }, //> constructs_0_0_0_0() constructs_0_0_0_0:function(){ this.vjo.System.out.println("No arg constructor"); constructs_0_0(); }, //> void constructs_0_0_0_1() constructs_0_0_0_1:function(){ this.vjo.System.out.println(" this is not a constructor"); } }) .endType(); |
5. Need to have reserved/keyword that cannot be used while writing java that would be converted into js. For instance, use of base as method name in base class would cause calling wrong method/confusion
package j2jtest; public class Pair{ Integer i =10; Pair(Integer intValue){ } void base(Integer i){ System.out.println("Base method"); } } package j2jtest; public class Pair2 extends Pair{ Pair2(){ super(10); } Pair2(Integer intValue){ super(intValue); base(intValue); } } |
vjo.ctype("j2jtest.Pair2") .needs("j2jtest.Pair") .needs("") .inherits("j2jtest.Pair") .protos({ //> constructs() constructs:function(){ if(arguments.length===0){ this.constructs_0_0(); }else if(arguments.length===1){ this.constructs_1_0(arguments[0]); } }, //> constructs_0_0() constructs_0_0:function(){ this.base(10); }, //> constructs_1_0(Integer intValue) constructs_1_0:function(intValue){ this.base(intValue); this.base(intValue); } }) .endType(); |
6. DOCUMENTED Don’t use class name, function name or package name for variables. It woks in java but not in javascript. For ex., below code display “test” in java but java script it display the whole java script object
class MyClass { String MyClass = "test"; public void method1(){ System.out.println(MyClass); } } |
vjo.ctype("j2jtest.abstract1.MyClass") .protos({ //> String MyClass MyClass:"test", //> public void method1() method1:function(){ this.vjo.System.out.println(this.vjo.MyClass); } }) .endType(); |
7. FIXED , Inner classes/second level inner classes are not getting created correctly
package j2jtest; public class OuterClass { int outerVar = 10; class InnerClass{ class InnerInnerClass{ void innerInnerMethod(String mssg){ Out.log("InnerInner " +mssg); } } void innerMethod(String mssg){ Out.log("Inner " +mssg); } } static void testMethod(){ OuterClass.InnerClass innerClass = new OuterClass().new InnerClass(); OuterClass.InnerClass.InnerInnerClass inInClass = InnerInnerClass(); innerClass.innerMethod("mssg1"); inInClass.innerInnerMethod("mssg2"); } } |
vjo.ctype("j2jtest.OuterClass") .needs("j2jtest.Out") .props({ //> void testMethod() testMethod:function(){ var innerClass=new (new this()) .InnerClass(); var inInClass; innerClass.innerMethod("mssg1"); inInClass.innerInnerMethod("mssg2"); } }) .protos({ //> int outerVar outerVar:10, InnerClass://> InnerClass vjo.ctype() .protos({ InnerInnerClass://> InnerInnerClass vjo.ctype() .protos({ //> void innerInnerMethod(String mssg) innerInnerMethod:function(mssg){ this.vjo.Out.log("InnerInner "+mssg); } }) .endType(), //> void innerMethod(String mssg) innerMethod:function(mssg){ this.vjo.Out.log("Inner "+mssg); } }) .endType() }) .endType(); |
8. DOCUMENTED. Inner class initialization is not translated correctly.
package j2jtest.innerclass; import j2jtest.Out; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class AnonymousInnerclass { List list = new ArrayList(3) { {add("One"); add("Two"); add("Three");} }; public void testMethod(){ for(Object value: list){ Out.log("value="+value); } } } |
vjo.ctype("j2jtest.innerclass.AnonymousInnerclass") .needs("") .needs("") .needs("j2jtest.Out") .protos({ //> List list list:null, //> private constructs() constructs:function(){ this.list= vjo.make(this,,3); }, //> public void testMethod() testMethod:function(){ this.vjo.Out.log("value="); for (var value,_$itr= this.list.iterator();_$itr.hasNext();){ value=_$; this.vjo.Out.log("value="+value); } } }) .endType(); |
9. FIXED Local inner class Class Out not imported and create
package j2jtest.innerclass; import j2jtest.Out; import java.util.ArrayList; public class LocalInnerclass { public void testMethod() { //Out.log("asasas"); class Happy { public void hi() { ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); Out o = new Out(); o.log("Hi"); double d = Math.PI; } } Happy h = new Happy(); h.hi(); } } |
vjo.ctype("j2jtest.innerclass.LocalInnerclass") .needs("") .needs("") .protos({ //> public void testMethod() testMethod:function(){ //> Happy vjo.ctype("Happy") .protos({ //> public void hi() hi:function(){ var list=new this.vjo.ArrayList(); var o; o.log("Hi"); var d=this.vjo.Math.PI; } }) .endType(); var h=new Happy(); h.hi(); } }) .endType(); |
10. FIXED method overload with super and base class as parameter
package j2jtest.constructor; import j2jtest.Out; public class MyClass extends MyClassBase{ public void testMethod(MyClassBase base){ Out.log("MyClass(MyClassBase)"); } public void testMethod(MyClass myClass){ Out.log("MyClass(MyClass)"); } public void testMethod(){ MyClass myClass = new MyClass(); testMethod(myClass); } } |
vjo.ctype("j2jtest.constructor.MyClass") .needs("j2jtest.constructor.MyClassBase") .needs("j2jtest.Out") .inherits("j2jtest.constructor.MyClassBase") .protos({ //> public void testMethod() testMethod:function(){ if(arguments.length===1){ if(arguments[0] instanceof j2jtest.constructor.MyClassBase){ this.testMethod_1_0(arguments[0]); }else if(arguments[0] instanceof j2jtest.constructor.MyClass){ this.testMethod_1_1(arguments[0]); } }else if(arguments.length===0){ this.testMethod_0_0(); } }, //> public void testMethod_1_0(MyClassBase base) testMethod_1_0:function(base){ this.vjo.Out.log("MyClass(MyClassBase)"); }, //> public void testMethod_1_1(MyClass myClass) testMethod_1_1:function(myClass){ this.vjo.Out.log("MyClass(MyClass)"); }, //> public void testMethod_0_0() testMethod_0_0:function(){ var myClass=new this.vjo.MyClass(); this.testMethod(myClass); } }) .endType(); |
11. ERROR Default constructor. Default constructor is not getting created
package j2jtest.constructor; public class MyClass extends Base{ } |
vjo.ctype("j2jtest.constructor.MyClass") .needs("j2jtest. constructor.Base") .inherits("j2jtest. constructor.Base") .endType(); | |
Generic object is not translated correctly if two typed parameters are same type
// translate correctly public static GenericClass<String,Integer> testMethod(){ GenericClass<String,Integer> object2 = new GenericClass<String, Integer> ("String one",20); Out.log(; return object2; } GenericClass<String, String> testMethod1(){ GenericClass<String,String> object2 = new GenericClass<String, String>("ss","ss"); return object2; } |
//> public GenericClass<String,Integer> testMethod() testMethod:function(){ var object2=new this("String one",20); this.vjo.Out.log(; return object2; } //> GenericClass<String> testMethod1() testMethod1:function(){ var object2=new this.vjo.GenericClass("ss","ss"); return object2; }, |
12. DOCUMENTED Super keyword not translated correctly
package j2jtest.inheritance; import j2jtest.Out; public class Derived extends Base { int i=20; public void method1(){ Out.log(" i = "+super.i); } } |
vjo.ctype("j2jtest.inheritance.Derived") .needs("j2jtest.Out") .needs("j2jtest.inheritance.Base") .inherits("j2jtest.inheritance.Base") .props({ //> public void touch() touch:function(){ } }) .protos({ //> int i i:20, //> public void method1() method1:function(){ this.vjo.Out.log(" i = "+this.i); } }) .endType(); |
13. DOCUMENTED Cannt have variable name as class name
package j2jtest.conversion; import j2jtest.Out; public class Conversion { String Conversion = "Conversion string"; String str = "str"; public static void touch(){ } public void method1(){ Out.log("Conversion = "+ Conversion); Out.log("str = "+ str); } } |
vjo.ctype("j2jtest.conversion.Conversion") .needs("j2jtest.Out") .props({ //> public void touch() touch:function(){ } }) .protos({ //> String Conversion Conversion:"Conversion string", //> String str str:"str", //> public void method1() method1:function(){ this.vjo.Out.log("Conversion = "+this.vjo.Conversion); this.vjo.Out.log("str = "+this.str); } }) .endType(); |
14. FIXED Calling overload function from base class is not getting translated. Keyword this is missing
should be
this. overload();
package j2jtest.member; import j2jtest.Out; public class Derived extends Base{ public void method1(){ overload(); overload("asasas"); //overload(local); } public void override(){ Out.log("Derived.override"); } public void overload(String s){ Out.log("Derived.overload(String)"); } } package j2jtest.member; import j2jtest.Out; public class Base { public void override(){ Out.log("Base.override"); } public void overload(){ Out.log("Base.overload"); } } |
vjo.ctype("j2jtest.member.Derived") .needs("j2jtest.Out") .needs("j2jtest.member.Base") .inherits("j2jtest.member.Base") .protos({ //> public void method1() method1:function(){ overload(); this.overload("asasas"); }, //> public void override() override:function(){ this.vjo.Out.log("Derived.override"); }, //> public void overload(String s) overload:function(s){ if(arguments.length===1){ if(arguments[0] instanceof String || typeof arguments[0]=="string"){ this.overload_1_0_Derived_ovld(arguments[0]); }else if(this.base && this.base.overload){ this.base.overload.apply(this,arguments); } }else if(this.base && this.base.overload){ this.base.overload.apply(this,arguments); } }, //> private void overload_1_0_Derived_ovld(String s) overload_1_0_Derived_ovld:function(s){ this.vjo.Out.log("Derived.overload(String)"); } }) .endType();
15. DOCUMENTED. Calling overloaded method with null is not handled correctly.
package j2jtest.member; import j2jtest.Out; public class Overload { public void method1(){ String notWorking = null; //overload(); overload("working"); overload(notWorking); } public void overload(){ Out.log("Overload.overload()"); } public void overload(String s){ Out.log("Overload.overload(String)"); } public void overload(Object s){ Out.log("Overload.overload(Object)"); } } |
vjo.ctype("j2jtest.member.Overload") .needs("j2jtest.Out") .protos({ //> public void method1() method1:function(){ var notWorking=null; this.overload("working"); this.overload(notWorking); }, //> public void overload() //> public void overload(String s) //> public void overload(vjo.Object s) overload:function(){ if(arguments.length===0){ this.overload_0_0_Overload_ovld(); }else if(arguments.length===1){ if(arguments[0] instanceof String || typeof arguments[0]=="string"){ this.overload_1_0_Overload_ovld(arguments[0]); }else if(arguments[0] instanceof vjo.Object){ this.overload_1_1_Overload_ovld(arguments[0]); } } }, //> private void overload_0_0_Overload_ovld() overload_0_0_Overload_ovld:function(){ this.vjo.Out.log("Overload.overload()"); }, //> private void overload_1_0_Overload_ovld(String s) overload_1_0_Overload_ovld:function(s){ this.vjo.Out.log("Overload.overload(String)"); }, //> private void overload_1_1_Overload_ovld(vjo.Object s) overload_1_1_Overload_ovld:function(s){ this.vjo.Out.log("Overload.overload(Object)"); } }) .endType(); |
16. Abstract method is not getting called correctly. From the example., callAbstractMethod() should call method in implementing class instead it calls from the abstract class method
package j2jtest.abstract1; import j2jtest.Out; public class Derived extends Base{ public void method1(){ callAbstractMethod(); } public void abstractMethod(){ Out.log("Derived.abstractMethod"); } public void abstractMethod(String value){ Out.log("Derived.abstractMethod(String)"); } } package j2jtest.abstract1; import j2jtest.Out; public class Base { public String toString(){ return " Hey i am Basie"; } public void callAbstractMethod(){ Out.log("Base.callAbstractMethod"); abstractMethod("StrValue"); } public void abstractMethod(){ Out.log("Base.abstractMethod"); } public void abstractMethod(String value){ Out.log("Base.abstractMethod(String)"); } } |
vjo.ctype("j2jtest.abstract1.Derived") .needs("j2jtest.Out") .needs("j2jtest.abstract1.Base") .inherits("j2jtest.abstract1.Base") .protos({ //> public void method1() method1:function(){ this.callAbstractMethod(); }, //> public void abstractMethod() //> public void abstractMethod(String value) abstractMethod:function(){ if(arguments.length===0){ this.abstractMethod_0_0_Derived_ovld(); }else if(this.base && this.base.abstractMethod){ this.base.abstractMethod.apply(this,arguments); }else if(arguments.length===1){ if(arguments[0] instanceof String || typeof arguments[0]=="string"){ this.abstractMethod_1_0_Derived_ovld(arguments[0]); }else if(this.base && this.base.abstractMethod){ this.base.abstractMethod.apply(this,arguments); } }else if(this.base && this.base.abstractMethod){ this.base.abstractMethod.apply(this,arguments); } }, //> private void abstractMethod_0_0_Derived_ovld() abstractMethod_0_0_Derived_ovld:function(){ this.vjo.Out.log("Derived.abstractMethod"); }, //> private void abstractMethod_1_0_Derived_ovld(String value) abstractMethod_1_0_Derived_ovld:function(value){ this.vjo.Out.log("Derived.abstractMethod(String)"); } }) .endType();
Type Variables
A type variable (§4.4) is an unqualified identifier. Type variables are introduced
by generic class declarations (§8.1.2) generic interface declarations (§9.1.2)
generic method declarations (§8.4.4) and by generic constructor declarations
Things to Remember/TODO
1 Overloaded method and null parameter
Will get unexpected behaviour if overloaded method is called with null object. In java script, variable type is determined based on the value it has. If the variable has null value then ther is no way to determine the type value.
When passing result of an expression to overloaded method, make sure it’s not null.
2 Variable name as Class, Pakcage or function name
Do not overload variable name with Class, Pakcage or function name. In java it works fine, when it comes to java script, it evaluates as class or function.
3 Array components
Array components with custom object creation is not supported. For ex.,
Pair[] pairArrayWithInit = {new Pair(), new Pair()};
4 Inner class/ initialization.
Initializing object like shown below is not supported
List list = new ArrayList(3) { { add("One"); add("Two"); add("Three");} };
5 Overload method with primitive and wrapper class
Overloading functions/constructor with primitive and wrapper class are not supported. For ex, below function method1 is overloaded using primitive type int and Integer. This type of overload is not supported.
public void method1(int intValue){ } public void method1(Integer intValue){ }
6 Class loading and static initializer
In java a class is loaded only if it’s used or referenced and all staic fields/blocks will get executed only at that time of class loading.
In VJO there is no such thing called class loading. So all the reference and embedded class’s static variables/blocks are initialized along with the main class. This may cause unexpected bahaviour for ex.,
package j2jtest.todo; import j2jtest.Out; public class StaticInit { static int intValue = 10; public void display(){ Out.log("intValue="+intValue); StaticInner staticInner = new StaticInner(); Out.log("intValue="+intValue); } static class StaticInner{ static{ intValue = 20; } } }
When running the above java class produces the result
intValue=10 intValue=20
but translated js file would result
intValue=20 intValue=20
as all static blocks run when the main class loads.
7 Overload method with super and derived class
When methods are overloaded based on super and derived class, java checks the variable type and calls the corresponding method with that type. In VJO, it doesn’t check the variable type, it checks the object type and call the corresponding method. For ex.,
package j2jtest.methodoverload; import j2jtest.Out; public class MyClass extends MyClassBase{ public void testMethod(MyClassBase base){ Out.log("testMethod(MyClassBase)"); } public void testMethod(MyClass myClass){ Out.log("testMethod(MyClass)"); } public void testMethod(){ MyClass myClass = new MyClass(); MyClassBase myBaseClass = new MyClass(); testMethod(myClass); testMethod(myBaseClass); } }
Result from Java
Result from Vjo
8 Same variable names in super and derived class
Java maintains separate memory space for super and derived class so when variable is declared with same name in super and derived, both can have dirrerent value. VJO donesnt maintain separate memory space for super and derived, vjo shares one memory area for all variables (super and derived). So if a variable is declared with the same name in super and derived, only derived class variable would be available and would be refered as this.variablename. For ex.,
package j2jtest.inheritance; import j2jtest.Out; public class Derived extends Base { int i = 20; public void method1(){ Out.log(" i = "+super.i); } } package j2jtest.inheritance; public class Base { int i = 10; }
Would be represented as
vjo.ctype('j2jtest.inheritance.Derived') //< public .needs('j2jtest.Out') .inherits('j2jtest.inheritance.Base') .protos({ i:20, //< int //> public void method1() method1:function(){ this.vjo.Out.log(" i = "+this.i); } }) .endType();
Java output
i = 10
JS output
i = 20
9 Avoid Circular references. For ex.,
public class Conversion { Conversion str = new Conversion(); }
10 Sub classes are not supported.
package j2jtest.member; import j2jtest.Out; public class MemberClass { void m1(){ Out.log("in MemberClass"); SubClass obj = new SubClass(); obj.m1(); } } class SubClass{ public void m1(){ Out.log("In MyInnerMemberClass.m1()"); } }