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This page gives a summary of the most important research papers published on VIATRA2.
The approach
- Csertán-Huszerl-Majzik-Pap-Pataricza-Varró: VIATRA :Visual Automated Transformations for Formal Verification and Validation of UML Models. ASE02
- Varró-Pataricza: VPM: A visual, precise and multilevel metamodeling framework for describing mathematical domains and UML (The Mathematics of Metamodeling is Metamodeling Mathematics). SOSYM03
Transformation language
- Balogh-Varró: Advanced model transformation language constructs in the VIATRA2 framework. SAC2006
- Varró-Balogh: The model transformation language of the VIATRA2 framework. SCP2007
Research topics
Local search-based pattern matching
- Horváth-Varró-Varró: Generic search plans for matching advanced graph patterns. GTVMT07
- Varró-Horváth-Varró: Recursive Graph Pattern Matching With Magic Sets and Global Search Plans. AGTIVE07
Incremental pattern matching
- Varró-Varró-Schürr: Incremental Graph Pattern Matching: Data Structures and Initial Experiments. Gramot06
- Bergmann-Ökrös-Ráth-Varró-Varró: Incremental pattern matching in the VIATRA model transformation system. Gramot08
- Bergmann-Ráth-Varró: Parallelization of graph transformation based on incremental pattern matching GTVMT09
- Bergmann-Horváth-Ráth-Varró-Balogh-Balogh-Ökrös: Incremental evaluation of queries over EMF models. MODELS10
Hybrid pattern matching
- Bergmann-Horváth-Ráth-Varró: Efficient Model Transformations by Combining Pattern Matching Strategies. ICMT2009
Event-driven transformations
- Ráth-Bergmann-Ökrös-Varró: Live model transformations driven by incremental pattern matching. ICMT2008
- Ráth-Varró-Varró: Change-driven model transformations. MODELS09
Constraint satisfaction over models
- Horváth-Varró: CSP(M): constraint satisfaction problems over models. MODELS09
Applications in domain-specific modeling languages
- Ráth-Vágó-Varró: Design-time simulation of domain-specific models by incremental pattern matching. VLHCC08
- Ráth-Ökrös-Varró: Synchronization of abstract and concrete syntax in domain-specific modeling languages. SOSYM09
Model transformation by example
- Varró: Model transformation by example. MODELS06
- Balogh-Varró: Model transformation by example using inductive logic programming. SOSYM08
Case studies, applications
- Gönczy et al: Modeling and Verification of Reliable Messaging by Graph Transformation Systems ENTCS07
- Kovács-Gönczy-Varró: Formal analysis of BPEL workflows with compensation by model checking. In: International Journal of Computer Systems and Engineering, 2008. ref
- Gönczy et al: Model Transformations for Performability Analysis of Service Configurations. MODELS08
- Gönczy-Majzik-Horváth-Varró-Balogh-Micskei-Pataricza: Tool Support for Engineering Certifiable Software. ENTCS08
- Boronat et al: Rigorous Software Engineering for Service-Oriented Systems - Results of the SENSORIA project on Software Engineering for Service-Oriented Computing. Chapter "Advances in model transformation by graph transformations: Specification, Analysis and Execution" SENSORIABOOK
- Torrini-Heckel-Ráth: Stochastic simulation of graph transformation systems. FASE10
- Hegedüs-Bergmann-Ráth-Varró: Back-annotation of Simulation Traces with Change-Driven Model Transformations. SEFM10
- Hegedüs-Bergmann-Ujhelyi-Horváth: Ecore to Genmodel case study solution using the VIATRA2 framework. GRABATS10
- Varró-Schürr-Varró: Benchmarking for graph transformation. VLHCC05
- Bergmann-Horváth-Ráth-Varró: A Benchmark Evaluation of Incremental Pattern Matching in Graph Transformation. ICGT2008
- Horváth-Bergmann-Ráth-Varró: Experimental assessment of combining pattern matching strategies with VIATRA2. STTT09
Publications of VIATRA2 team members by author
For a more detailed and complete list of publications, visit the publication pages of team members.
- Dániel Varró: publications more publications
- András Balogh: publications more publications
- Gábor Bergmann: publications more publications
- Ábel Hegedüs: publications
- Ákos Horváth: publications
- István Ráth: publications home page
- Zoltán Ujhelyi: publications home page
- Gergely Varró: publications home page