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Niel, Mik, Kim, Troy, Sue, Raji, Kevin, Tod, Boris

EclipseCon Panel

How to get panel started. We going to have seed questions. Bob to file a bugzilla. Send to uibpwg and panelists. Kimberly, Tod, and Kevin, Ben, to be added to the panel.

Status of User Interface Guidelines updates

Kevin has taken an initial pass through the existing guidelines. Additional screenshots would be a good improvement. Want other examples beyond the platform. Should we put the existing guidelines into the UI Best Practices Template format.

Resources (eg. icons) should be collected and referred to by the guidelines.

Screenshots are nice but can get stale quickly. Suggestion: use documentation screenshots wherever possible. Might not be a problem if the screenshot is still relevant to illustrate the point being made.

walk through(s) of M5

Would like to have UI show and tells of the milestones for feedback. Might be better to target M6. Start with volunteers from this group. First volunteer is Tod for Platform UI on March 28th.

Next call

Next call will be on March 14th.

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