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Meeting Minutes Jan, 16th 2015


  • Andrea Antonello
  • Jody Garnett
  • Emily Gouge
  • Frank Gasdorf


  1. uDig on Luna - state of the art - with Ludwig
  2. uDig usability/stability
  3. uDig and locationtech migration
  4. PSC/PMC members review
  5. Future Needs
  6. organizational / Process
  7. general

Action Items

  • Next Meeting on January, 30th 4:00PM CET ?
  • Setup Contribution guide at wiki, announce details at Mailinglist -> Frank
  • setup JRE with gdal native libraries (OpenJDK 1.7, gdal 1.9.X, jai) -> Jody
  • release from master (Eclipse 3.7 + geotools 11.2) --> Release Version 1.5 -> Frank
  • merge luna-branch back to master -> TBD
  • release from master (Eclipse 4.4 + geotools 11.2) --> Release Version 2.0 -> TBD

Meeting Minutes

1) uDig on Luna - state of the art - with Ludwig

Emily started using luna-support branch and in the application they use a small portion of udig but haven't had any issues with those parts.

Jody was able to build and walked through the basic motions. Dialog (File Dialog on Mac OSX?) worked. Jody likes to merge as soon as possible because master on Eclipse Indigo doesn't work on Mac OSX (10.9.X?) because of known SWT issues

Question to Ludwig : Have you tried to integrate it? What are your impressions?

Frank reports the current state: master branch is based on Eclipse 3.7 (Indigo) and has been updated to geotools 11.2, geoscript 1.3.1, and imageio-ext 1.1.10 Releases master branch was broken because of out-dated bable (language packs) update site --> got fixed at the beginning of 2015 luna-support is based on Eclipse 4.4 (Luna) and recently got merged master branch and has the same dependencies both depending on gdal 1.9.2 (because of imagio-ext bindings) --> Missing gdal support with provided and shipped JRE's

2) uDig usability/stability

Thats the point why uDig isn't usable to run a business such as Hydrology on it. SDK is fine. It will not possible anymore to build a complete GIS application from LocationTech Infrastructure (not allowed to ship JRE and bundled runtime) makes it impossible to use it as it is.

Community doesn't really know how and where to contribute. Some projects and users have a lot of fixes for known bugs and need a guiding hand..

Community isn't active as needed to give support on ML

3) uDig and locationtech migration

Jody reports about the state of IP (intellectual property) review of uDig's dependencies such as geotools. with first geomesa, and now geogig going through the review - and cleaning up a lot of our geotools dependencies

4) PSC/PMC members review Andrea has stepped down as a PSC Member - thank you for your time, major contributions and community support. Hope to welcome you back sometimes

5) Future Needs


6) organizational / Process


7) general

Jody offered to backport a FeatureSource fix on Geotools master to 11.x branch to get it into uDig - if required.

We add this point to the agenda of next IRC Meeting.

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