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Tycho/Release Notes/1.6
New and Noteworthy
Complete list of bug fixes and enhancements in 1.6.0
Faster target platform resolution
bug 551974 Tycho needs to resolve the target platform during the initial phase of a build. This is now much faster than before, thanks to improved caching. In an example application with 800 bundles in its target platform Tycho 1.5 needs about 2 seconds per Maven module for target platform resolution, while Tycho 1.6 needs about 0.2 seconds per Maven module.
Drop support for obsolete modular JVMs (10 and 12)
bug 552831 Due to Equinox no longer shipping EEs (they kind of lost sense with modular JVMs which may or may not include a module) these EEs are shipped as part of Tycho now, but it can't go indefinitely. Dropped Java 10 and 12 which are no longer supported versions already.
Updated plexus-utils to version 3.3.0
bug 552968 Plexus Utils has been updated to version 3.3.0 as a prereq for other dependency updates.