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Topcased port
This work is developed by AtoS and sponsored by Airbus in the context of OPEES.
Topcased gathers several tools that are not limited to one specific language, but rather support any EMF-based languages. Among them, the most important ones are:
- The requirements module, giving the ability to the model designer to connect textual requirements to any model element, and to handle it efficiently.
- Gendoc II, a document generation engine based on M2T Acceleo. Gendoc II takes a number of models (in any EMF languages) as inputs, a template in the output format (odt, docx for now), and generates the final document. The way it is designed makes easy the switch from a manual approach to a partially or completely generative approach. Of course, Gendoc II can be activated in batch mode and can be introduced in most automated build processes.
- The scripting module, providing the capability to handle models using Javascript or Python/Jython.
But these tools still need a thin layer of adaptation to the target languages. For now, they support mainly Topcased SAM and Topcased UML / SysML. The goal of this project is to develop the required adaptation layer for 2 new targets: MDT Papyrus UML/SysML and Ecore Tools.
Schedule (dates tentative)
The project is scheduled to be ready on July, 2011 as part of Topcased 5. These generic tools are potential candidates for an Eclipse project proposal later in 2011 or in 2012.