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Tools PMC Meeting 2009-05-27
Time: 2:00 PM Eastern
Conference number: North America 1 866-842-3549, Ottawa 613-787-5018, Passcode: 6046633
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- Anthony Hunter
- David Williams
- John Duimovich
- Doug Schaefer
- Galileo update
- Everyone on track.
- Bjorn
- Plans to stay on the Tools PMC.
- Bjorn - Update on COBOL project status
- Wait for Bjorn, leaning towards termination review.
- Anthony - Update on VE project lead status
- Post on ve-dev to confirm Yves in the lead, Email tools PMC that Yves is in and Joe is out.
- What guidance to give sub-projects on "Provider Name"
- Two alternatives?
- "Eclipse Tools"
- By subproject (no abbreviations, etc.)
- Two alternatives?
Eclipse AspectJ Development Tools Eclipse AspectJ Eclipse Buckminster Component Assembly Eclipse C/C++ Development Tooling Eclipse COBOL IDE Eclipse Graphical Editor Framework Eclipse Hibachi Eclipse Mylyn Eclipse Orbit Project (?Or, Eclipse Orbit ?) Eclipse Parallel Tools Platform Eclipse PHP Development Tools Eclipse Visual Editor
- probably too late to go back and fix.
- Recommendation not to fix right now since we are RC2.
- GEF used "Eclipse Modeling Project"
- Recommendation to use what is in the table above for the next release.
- Other projects moving to Tools?
- Doug - Linux Tools / Mobile Linux maybe?
- ATF incubating in webtools
- talked about advantages of being in tools.
- Seemed ok about ATF moving to tools.
- What projects belong in tools?
- Future:
- What is the tools project about, what is the scope?
- Why do we have fewer rules?
- Should we review our charter?
- Maybe we should take another run at moving JDT and PDE into tools.
- Future:
- Discussed possibility of having "project wide" meetings (PMC + Project Leads) ... perhaps alternate months.
- Anthony to set up and invite PLs to June meeting.
- Can debrief Galileo release
- See if interest in every-other month meetings
- Anthony to set up and invite PLs to June meeting.