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Line level coverage and Emma
- The line level coverage offered as a technical preview in TPTP is using TPTP Probekit runtime to instrument the application and collect the required data. Although Probekit offers a range of powerful functionalities, such as remote coverage, there are a few shortcomings that needs to be resolved
- Probekit is using JVMPI ( and planned to use JVMTI for java 5+ ). As a result the application should be run in profiling mode in order to collect line coverage
- Agent Controller or IAC is required even when running locally
- A proposed solution is to replace the probekit runtime for running line coverage with the Emma project. More investigation is required to understand the implications.
- The line level coverage offered as a technical preview in TPTP is using TPTP Probekit runtime to instrument the application and collect the required data. Although Probekit offers a range of powerful functionalities, such as remote coverage, there are a few shortcomings that needs to be resolved
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