Notice: This Wiki is now read only and edits are no longer possible. Please see: for the plan.
- Present:
- Paul Slauenwhite
- Tony Wang
- Absent:
- Jerome Bozier (vacation)
Release Information
- 4.5.1 will ship with the Ganymede Service Release 1 or SR1 (target release date: September 24, 2008).
Where are we at?
- We have completed 3.5 weeks of development.
- The PMC is freezing 4.5.1 development on Friday (July 25) to support our consumers and to eliminate the need for a maintenance release.
- All defects not completed by Friday (July 25) will be deferred to 4.5.2.
- Only defects resulting from testing on the new Ganymede RC1 milestone drivers will be considered for 4.5.1 after Friday (July 25).
- Platform Project defects impacting the Test Project:
- Bugzillas (in order of completion):
- Jerome:
- Refresh proxies for a re/opened project.: Required by a consuming product. Requires a patch for 4.5.0.
- Unable to delete some projects in Test Perspective
- Changing the file name of a test asset in the Test Navigator updates the logical name.
- Paul:
- 'Save as' option doesn't support test execution result
- Accessibility-Need shortcuts for all Test Navigator pulldowns: Required by a consuming product.
- Test Navigator action OpenReportAction is hardcoded, not defined in an extension
- JUnit runner emits incorrect events when executing tests with behavior implemented as code.
- Test Log Viewer: Overview page layout problems
- Cannot scroll to the bottom of the log file in log viewer events page
- Automated Test Execution Harness Tests
- AGR test suites model disabled test invocations incorrectly.: FIXED
- IExecutionDeploymentAdapter.cleanUpTestAssets no longer called
- Test Execution Tabular Report contains empty or incorrect child reports.: Duplicate of JUnit runner emits incorrect events when executing tests with behavior implemented as code.
- Provide ISV documentation for enhancement 166025.
- HTTP tests do not automatically generate JUnit Java code like JUnit tests.
- WidgetFactory automatically scrolls to the right.
- Can not debug launched eclipse process via ASF without rebuilding TPTP jar
- Providing the ability to record user's interactions with GEF objects in a GEF editor
- Tony:
- Jerome:
Release Information
- 4.5.2 will ship with the Ganymede Service Release 2 or SR2 (target release date: February 25, 2009).
Test Automation Initiative
- Paul and the Release Engineering Team are working on consolidating our testing process and automation infrastructure:
- For more information, see the WIKI page.
- To see the BVT results for a specific build, open the Build Reports page for a specific build and select BVT Results.
- Outstanding defects include:
- Bing:
- Paul:
- IWAT4039E NullPointerException - randomnly while headless junit execution
- JUnit runner emits incorrect events when executing tests with behavior implemented as code.
- Test Execution Tabular Report contains empty or incorrect child reports.: Duplicate of JUnit runner emits incorrect events when executing tests with behavior implemented as code.
- JUnit and JUnit Plug-in test execution add incorrect elements to the plugin.xml file.
- AGR Tests require absolute path to Equinox JAR
- Clear remote workspace launch does not work for remote test execution
- AGR Tests cannot be run with start ACServer
- IExecutionDeploymentAdapter.cleanUpTestAssets no longer called
- AbstractTestExecutionService – “Process was null -- test completed too fast?” message
- Connection property does not deploy all dependencies
- Test Execution fails when project defined incorrectly - ResourceException
- Connection property does not allow JUnit Plug-in Tests to be executed
- ASF marshalling return value between service and client adapter does not have support for failures / exceptions
- Confusing exceptions when running automated services.
- ASF Test Execution Service races with AutoBuildJob -- can lead to unexpected test results
- ANT test results property requires trailing slash to specify location
- Exceptions when running ASF tasks.
- Only the name of the execution result is used from the results property.
- Last Week:
- TPTP: 4 days
- Diagnosing BVT issues with Joel.
- Resolved defects:
- Broken links in Test Project documentation.
- Grammer mistake in 'Generating an executable test'.
- (Web) Cannot scroll to the bottom of the log file in log viewer events page.
- AGR test suites model disabled test invocations incorrectly.
- Bidi3.2: (HCG) Stack trace messages should be customly ordered
- Update Bugzilla owners/componets and the TPTP Project Matrix for committer changes.
- DVT34: broken link in documentation
- DVT34: broken link in documentation
- Test Execution Tabular Report contains empty or incorrect child reports.
- When verdict names are too long, the verdict list in the test log's overview is truncated
- HTML message events are not rendered correctly.
- This Week:
- TPTP: 5 days
- Action items.
- Defects.
- Last Week:
- Vacation.
- This Week:
- Vacation.
- Last Week:
- This Week:
- Action items.
- Finish Test Log Viewer AGR test suites do not run.
Action items
- Duwayne:
- Verify/close your resolved defects.
- Reply to the question in jdt.ui bundle activator assumes PlatformUI.getWorkbench(), causing autobuild failure when running headless.
- Post the meeting minutes for the June 16, 23, 30 meetings.
- Jerome:
- Verify/close your resolved defects.
- Tony:
- Verify/close your resolved defects.
- Paul:
- Verify/close your resolved defects.
- The Test Project weekly meeting will be canceled for the next two weeks (July 28 and August 4) due to vacation/holiday.
- The following Component Lead changes due to recent resource changes have been finalized/completed:
- Duwayne --> Paul:
- Test.Agents.Recorder
- Test.Execution.AutoGUIRunner
- Test.Execution.URLRunner
- Test.UI.AutoGUIUI
- Test.UI.URLTest
- ASF.Runtime
- Documentation (ASF)
- Jerome --> Paul:
- Test.UI
- Test.UI.ConfigEditors
- Test.UI.DatapoolEditor
- Test.UI.FrameworkEditor
- Test.UI.TestPerspective
- Duwayne --> Paul:
Lead Committers
- Continually review copyright reports and ensure files will missing copyright or incorrect copyright year are corrected.
- Add the Original Estimate (PH) when triaging a new defect.
- Update the Hours Worked (PH) when completing a defect.
- Test their components or review/track testing contributed by other committers/resources.
- Monitor the TPTP news group and answer posts specific to their Test Project components.
- Verify that all API changes (modifications, additions, and removals) do not breech the TPTP API Contract.
- Use the MyFoundation Portal for committer elections.