Notice: This Wiki is now read only and edits are no longer possible. Please see: for the plan.
- Present:
- Paul Slauenwhite
- DuWayne Morris
- Tony Wang
- Absent:
- Jerome Bozier
Release Information
- 4.5 will ship with the Ganymede Simultaneous Release (target release date: June 30, 2008).
Where are we at?
- We are in the fourth week of I6 development.
- The PMC has extended the development cycle of I6 (total: 5 weeks) (target: March 21) and I7 (total: 1 weeks) (target: April 18) each by one week.
- As a result, the I6 and I7 TP1 will each be 1 week.
- Newsgroup posts requiring a reply:
- Duwayne:
- support for RCP product in TPTP4.5i4
- Using wait command in AGR script
- AGR test cases in standard mode
- Duwayne:
- Translation Verification Tests (TVT) and enablement tests are due Wednesday, March 19.
Test Automation Initiative
- Paul and the Release Engineering Team are working on consolidating our testing process and automation infrastructure:
- For more information, see the WIKI page.
- To see the BVT results for a specific build, open the Build Reports page for a specific build and select BVT Results.
- Outstanding defect against the Test Project include:
- Paul:
- Duwayne:
- Xin Ying Huang:
- Encrypted datapool variable support: Paul and Xin and dialogging on refactoring the patch. Xin is also writing the test cases and documentation for the enhancement.
- Duwayne:
- Test execution should support parallel execution of tests: Duwayne completed and checked-in the implementation, which Paul will review this week. He is working on the test cases, to be completed this week. Duwayne will update hours worked.
- Jerome:
- Move, Copy, Delete, Rename and Import/Export test assets: Paul reviewed the refined patch file. Jerome will continue on refining the implementation.
- Paul:
- Generic Recorder Wizard enhancement to filter the list of recorders: The implementation is complete except for dependent defects Generic recorder wizard forbids customization of the Location page and (Product) Allow programmatic context for initially selected project in Generic Recorder Wizard. This enhancement required a substantial amount of refactoring to remove dead/duplicate code, simplify the URL Recorder preferences, and improve the readability of UI strings. Paul is finishing testing before closing the enhancement.
- Alexander Nyßen:
- Providing the ability to record user's interactions with GEF objects in a GEF editor: Alexander (TPTP user and contributor) has contributed a patch and documentation for basic GEF/Draw2D support in the AGR. Paul has reviewed the patch and is proceeding with AG/PMC approval before opening a Contribution Questionnaire (CQ) for the contribution. This enhancement may not be contained in 4.5.
- Bugzilla Prefix Legend:
- [Product]: Defects required by consuming products.
- [APAR]: Defects required by consuming products for customer support.
- [APAR]:
- (APAR) Test Infrastructure doesn't work in firewalled environment: Transfered to the Platform Project for completion in I6.
- (APAR) Repeated launch through Automated Services Framework eventually fails: Transfered to the Platform Project for completion in I6.
- (APAR) UI allows to launch non-profilable tests in profile mode.
- [Product]:
- (Product) Consumming Product: ASF Throws Modal Dialog Box.
- (Product) Cannot remove a test invocation to a removed HTTP request.
- (Product) HTTP recording does not work with Internet Explorer 7 and Firefox 2.0
- (Product) Allow programmatic context for initially selected project in Generic Recorder Wizard
- (Product) intermittently see start and stop recording problems
- (Product) HTTP Recorder does not function if TMP dir does not exist
- (Product) Recorder launch wizard does not allow spaces
- (Product) (Usability) HTTP tests do not automatically generate JUnit Java code like JUnit tests.
- (Product) copy/paste of a simple folder does not work in Test Navigator view
- (Product) Usability - adding existing artifacts/locations to deployment should select by name (not filename)
- (Product) Test assets' editors (locations, datapools etc) allow save with empty internal names
- (Product) doc updates for section Creating a test deployment
- (Product) what does the synchronous option mean for an invocation behavior in a JUnit Test Suite?
- (Product) Time Frame Historical Report view does not have tabs and is missing info
- (Product) Test Log Viewer: Link to deployment is displayed when using temp deploy not named 'default'
- (Product) (Usability) creating TPTP test but you need to have parent project created first.
- (Product) Generate Report: Test Navigator does not refresh to show new report
- (Product) variables are listed twice in the "EquivalenceClass" pane of Datapool
- (Product) Context sensitive help requires refactoring and new content.
- (Product) scroll bars not appearing when needed in test suite editor and other Hyades editors when content doesn't all fit in a page
- (Product) Accessibility-Need shortcuts for all Test Navigator pulldowns
- (Product) Unmovable rows in Datapool Editor
- (Product) Report Icon is incorrect for Test Pass and Time Frame Historic
I6 Defect Schedule
- February 25 - February 29:
- Duwayne:
- (APAR) Repeated launch through Automated Services Framework eventually fails: Moved to the Platform Project
- Test execution should support parallel execution of tests: SLIPPED 2
- Jerome:
- Paul K.:
- Tony:
- Paul:
- Generic Recorder Wizard enhancement to filter the list of recorders: SLIPPED 2
- Vista-specific error dialog when recording using IAC/IE on XP.: COMPLETE
- Importing large datapool freezes wizard.: COMPLETE
- Remove references to internal APIs.: COMPLETE
- Exported datapool with deleted variables is incorrect.: COMPLETE
- Cannot import HTTP recording file.: COMPLETE
- Running ASF through Ant requires display export: COMPLETE
- Duplicate wizards for creating a URL recording/test.: COMPLETE
- Reinstate features and 'empty' plug-ins for as-is components.: COMPLETE
- Duwayne:
- March 3 - March 7:
- Duwayne:
- Jerome:
- (Product) Copying lots of test results to a newly created folder hangs the system: COMPLETE
- (Product) copy/paste of a simple folder does not work in Test Navigator view: SLIPPED
- Adding a location or artifact with a duplicate name of a removed resource in a deployment does not work: SLIPPED
- Filename vs. logical name in UI: SLIPPED
- Paul K.:
- Tony:
- Paul:
- (Product) Allow programmatic context for initially selected project in Generic Recorder Wizard: SLIPPED
- (Usability) Switch to Test Perspective after test execution.: SLIPPED
- (Usability) Test Log view does not open after a test execution has completed.: SLIPPED
- Recording wizard - description text is truncated: COMPLETE
- Document, publicize and remove deprecated classes/APIs.: SLIPPED
- (Product) Test Log Viewer: Link to deployment is displayed when using temp deploy not named 'default': SLIPPED
- Test Tools documentation I5 smoke test failures.: SLIPPED
- (Product) (Usability) creating TPTP test but you need to have parent project created first.: SLIPPED
- (Usability) Provide option to open Test Perspective after creating test assets.: COMPLETE
- (APAR) UI allows to launch non-profilable tests in profile mode: SLIPPED
- Generic recorder wizard forbids customization of the Location page: SLIPPED
- Location does not contain port number.: SLIPPED
- (Vista) Windows informational dialog when generating JScrib test reports.: SLIPPED
- March 10 - March 14:
- Duwayne:
- Jerome:
- (Not working on TPTP)
- Paul K.:
- Tony:
- Paul:
- Encrypted datapool variable support
- Providing the ability to record user's interactions with GEF objects in a GEF editor
- Update copyright dates and translatability errors.
- (Product) variables are listed twice in the "EquivalenceClass" pane of Datapool
- (Usability) Verdict Summary BIRT chart in Test Log viewer displays 0%.
- JUnit/Plug-in tests do not allow plugin root as source folder.
- (Usability) .execution files should give more informative statistics
- Remove XMLUnit dependency and convert reporting tests to TPTP tests.
- (Usability) Hyperlinks in Test Log view are rendered differently for the Test Execution event type.
- Move JUnit Plug-in test tools documentation to a separate plug-in.: COMPLETE
- Need new icon for testlog files
- Datapools are not portable.
- Clean-up the TPTP committer lists and project matrix.
- Removing an Artifact Location Pair returns a Null Pointer Exception
- Adding a location or artifact with a duplicate name of a removed resource in a deployment does not work
- Fix spelling/broken links/accessibility errors in JUnit Plugin/Manual Test/BIRT Reports plug-ins.
- Test project topics for upcoming AG calls include:
- ASF and Test Services: Joe
- Test automation initiative: Alan/Joel/Paul
- Last Week:
- Code/UI reviewed:
- Resolved defects:
- This Week:
- Defects.
- Enhancements:
- Finish reviewing:
- EclipseCon 2008 preparation.
- Enablement and TVT test cases.
- Last Week:
- Refactoring the patch for Test execution should support parallel execution of tests.
- Assisted a consuming product with diagnosing a firewall issue when launching tests.
- Assisted a consuming product with [ (Product) Public API Needed for Determining if IAC versus AC is running).
- Worked on defect (Product) HTTP Recorder does not function if TMP dir does not exist
- Non-TPTP work (1 PD).
- This Week:
- Last Week:
- [absent]
- This Week:
- Defects.
- Enhancements:
- Last Week:
- Completed implementation on defect:
- Worked on defects:
- This Week:
Action items
- Enhancement owners to write and check in Translation Verification Tests (TVT) and enablement tests.
- The weekly Test Project call will be canceled in two weeks (March 24) since Paul is on vacation.
EclipseCon 2008
Lead Committers
- Continually review copyright reports and ensure files will missing copyright or incorrect copyright year are corrected.
- Add the Original Estimate (PH) when triaging a new defect.
- Update the Hours Worked (PH) when completing a defect.
- Test their components or review/track testing contributed by other committers/resources.
- Monitor the TPTP news group and answer posts specific to their Test Project components.
- Verify that all API changes (modifications, additions, and removals) do not breech the TPTP API Contract.
- Use the MyFoundation Portal for committer elections.