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- Present:
- Paul Slauenwhite
- DuWayne Morris
- Kendric Wang
- Jerome Bozier
Release Information
- 4.4.1 will ship with the Europa Winter Maintenance Release (target release date: February 29, 2008).
- All defects will require project/PMC approval.
- All fixes MUST be checked-in to both 4.4.1 (TPTP-4_1_1) and 4.5 (HEAD) streams.
Release Information
- 4.5 will ship with the Ganymede Simultaneous Release (target release date: June 30, 2008).
Where are we at?
- We completed 4.5 I4 on Friday with the drop of the 4.5.0-200712211700 candidate driver to Ganymede.
- Special thanks to Duwayne and Paul for completing 4.5 I4 TP2 in two days!
- We are currently in week one of three weeks of development for 4.5 I5 (target: January 25).
Newsgroup Posts
- Duwayne:
Test Automation Initiative
- Paul and the Release Engineering Team are working on consolidating our testing process and automation infrastructure:
- For more information, see the WIKI page.
- Outstanding defect against the Test Project include:
- Paul:
- Remove XMLUnit dependency and convert reporting tests to TPTP tests: Targeted to i5.
- OutOfMemoryError when generating large TPTP test reports: Targeted to i5.
- Paul:
- Duwayne:
- ASF Test Execution Service races with AutoBuildJob -- can lead to unexpected test results: Targeted to i6.
- ANT test results property requires trailing slash to specify location: Targeted to i6.
- ANT importExistingProjects throws Exception: Targeted to i6.
- Duwayne is also investigating an exception when launching the TPTP BVT test suites using the ASF:
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0 at java.util.LinkedList.entry( at java.util.LinkedList.get( at org.eclipse.hyades.execution.core.file.IFileManagerExtended$FileIdentifierList.get( at org.eclipse.hyades.test.core.testservices.resources.FilesystemResourceProviderService.getTempFile( at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor25.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( at at org.eclipse.hyades.execution.local.testservices.TestServiceAgentListener.handleCommand( at org.eclipse.hyades.internal.execution.local.control.AgentImpl.handleCommand( at org.eclipse.hyades.internal.execution.local.control.AgentImpl$2.incommingCommand( at org.eclipse.hyades.internal.execution.local.control.ConnectionImpl$1.incommingCommand( at org.eclipse.hyades.internal.execution.local.control.ConnectionImpl.processControlMessage( at org.eclipse.hyades.internal.execution.local.control.ConnectionImpl$
- Xin Ying Huang:
- Encrypted datapool variable support: The implementation is nearly complete. Paul and Joe are working closely with Xin Ying to answer design/implementation-specific questions and they will complete a code review in I5 development
- Duwayne:
- Test execution should support parallel execution of tests: See the meeting minutes for more details. Duwayne will complete this enhancement in I5 development. The test cases and product documentation will be complete in I5 TPs and I6 development.
- Jerome:
- Move, Copy, Delete, Rename and Import/Export test assets: See the meeting minutes for the design review. Jerome will schedule a call with Paul for Wednesday to discuss the final design decisions.
- Paul:
- Generic Recorder Wizard enhancement to filter the list of recorders: Paul has closed on the design with the originator (see meeting minutes) and will complete the implementation/testing this week.
- Paul:
- Incorrect german translation of the word "Pass":
- Simplified Chinese translation when editing a datapool is incorrect:
- Malformed report window time stamps in the report wizard.:
- Confusing label in Test preferences.:
- Remove the "open editor" button on the Report Wizard first page:
- Need new icon for testlog files:
- (Web Doc) Create web document for BIRT Test Reports.:
- scroll bars not appearing when needed in test suite editor and other Hyades editors when content doesn't all fit in a page:
- Add help icon to Report Wizard:
- Formatting messages make translation difficult.:
- (Usability) Switch to Test Perspective after test execution.:
- (Usability) Switch to Test Perspective after creating a test asset.:
- Importing large datapool freezes wizard.:
- (Testing Tool) Invalid characters inserted in source folder textbox when using Browse button of "Generate..." menu item:
- Copy / Paste should not be available in the logical test navigator:
- (Usability) Missing/inconsistent titles/descriptions/icons in test report dialogs.:
- (Usability) Test invocation error message cannot be copied:
- Log Viewer : navigation button on event part of test log are not enabled by default:
- TPTP test pass reports show test type ID instead of meaningful name.:
- Remove references to internal APIs.:
- Exported datapool with deleted variables is incorrect.:
- Problems in displaying Hebrew (Bi-Directional) text in the TPTP Log Viewer:
- (Usability) Hyperlinks in Test Log view are rendered differently for the Test Execution event type.:
- Report Icon is incorrect for Test Pass and Time Frame Historic:
- Remove XMLUnit dependency and convert reporting tests to TPTP tests.:
- OutOfMemoryError when generating large TPTP test reports.:
- Isolate and move BIRT Reports to as-is.:
- XMLSave* and tempResouce* files are not removed from the user's temporary directory.:
- Debug message printed to console when launching tests on Linux.:
- Create web document for BIRT Trace Reports.:
- Create web document for BIRT Log Reports.:
- Create web document for BIRT Statistical Reports.:
- Duwayne:
- Vista-specific error dialog when recording using IAC/IE on XP.:
- RecorderException when HTTP recording with Internet Explorer on Windows XP.:
- Get rid of the Remove option from the Http Requests tab of the Hyades URL Test Suite:
- Text in Recorder Control should be copyable.:
- ASF marshalling return value between service and client adapter does not have support for failures / exceptions:
- (Test Automation) Automate manual test suites using the Automated GUI Recorder.:
- Repeated launch through Automated Services Framework eventually fails:
- Kendric:
- (Scalability) Address TPTP EMF model scalability problems: Although withdrawn as a 4.5 candidate enhancement, the outcome/status of the work done in 4.4 on this enhancement was not updated in the WIKI page. Joe will update the WIKI.
- Test project topics for upcoming AG calls include:
- Enhancement Move, Copy, Delete, Rename and Import/Export test assets: Jerome.
- Test automation initiative: Alan/Joel
- EMMA: Paul
- Last Week:
- Christmas break.
- Finished 4.5 I4 TP1.
- Finished 4.5 I4 TP2.
- Completed defects:
- EMF test resources are corrupted when applying an Eclipse patch.
- Update plugin version numbers.
- IPV6 not supported for Internet Explorer.
- IPv6 Limitation on Firefox.
- OutOfMemoryError when generating TPTP test reports.
- Create web document for AGR.
- Update Test Tools section of TPTP Project Matrix.
- Create getting started web document for Manual Test type.
- URL and JUnit Plug-in Test documentation missing from TOC.
- JUnit code generator does not check against project existence.
- TPTP test results are not reported correctly.
- This Week:
- Enhancement:
- Defects:
- Last Week:
- Christmas break.
- Finished 4.5 I4 TP1.
- Finished 4.5 I4 TP2.
- Completed defects:
- This Week:
- Outstanding news group posts.
- Enhancement:
- Last Week:
- Christmas break.
- Finished 4.5 I4 TP1.
- This Week:
- Enhancement:
- Last Week:
- Christmas break.
- Finished 4.5 I4 TP1.
- Continued on automating API Recorder test cases (see [Test Automation Automate manual test suites using the Automated GUI Recorder]).
- Continued on resolving issues with Test Log viewer's AGR test suite on Linux (see [Linux AGR test suite does not run (213446 )]).
- This Week:
- Finish automating API Recorder test cases (see defect 170656).
- Finish resolving issues with Test Log viewer's AGR test suite on Linux (see [Linux AGR test suite does not run]).
Action items
- Schedule a call for Wednesday or Thursday to close on the design for enhancement Move, Copy, Delete, Rename and Import/Export test assets.
- Tony Wang will be joining the Test Project on January 10 as a co-op (IBM) for four months.
EclipseCon 2008
- Test and Performance Category.
- Test and Performance Presentations
- If you are interested in proposing a poster (presented at the poster reception session) or BoF (informal one-and-a-half-hour gatherings of people who want to talk about a particular topic), please:
- Important dates include:
- January 19, 2008: Submissions open for posters and BoFs.
Lead Committers
- Continually review copyright reports and ensure files will missing copyright or incorrect copyright year are corrected.
- Add the Original Estimate (PH) when triaging a new defect.
- Update the Hours Worked (PH) when completing a defect.
- Test their components or review/track testing contributed by other committers/resources.
- Monitor the TPTP news group and answer posts specific to their Test Project components.
- Verify that all API changes (modifications, additions, and removals) do not breech the TPTP API Contract.
- Use the MyFoundation Portal for committer elections.