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Attending: Kathy, Ernest, Jonathan, Torsten, Joel, Jerome, Wayne
- 03/21 meeting minutes accepted.
TPTP Organization Discussion
- Torsten reported on progress.
- Can now build cbe and probekit on ia32. Still working through building the other components.
- Will work on 64-bit build in parallel.
- Will look at testing after build issues are sorted out.
- Archiving of the Trace and Profiling project.
- Kathy had put together a draft proposal at Archiving the Trace and Profiling Tools project.
- There are components under the buzilla TPTP Profiling product that actually belongs to the platform project (used by the Platform and Test project). So there's some concern about archiving these components. Also, archiving means the bugzillas will be transfered to the z_archive project and detail information such as component, version and target milestone. As a result of these concerns, Torsten asked us not to archive the bugzillas for the trace project at this point.
- Also, since the build still rely on the trace plugins and features to be there, we cannot archive the CVS at this point yet. Torsten requested us to delay archiving of the Trace project until the build is done and the trace project had been separated out of the build.
- Kathy pointed out that it means the IBM committers would not be doing the project archiving since they won't be around anymore. Wayne and Torsten are OK with that arrangement. They will take care of the archiving of the Trace project when it's safe to do so.
- Project transfer
- Torsten brought up the fact that not having committer right slows down the transfer of the project.
- Wayne suggested that given the special circumstances of all existing committers will be resigning on April 11 and Verit needs to take over, it will be smoother transition for the project if we vote in the Verit members now. All are in favour.
- We will be voting in the following Verit members into the existing TPTP projects:
- Torsten Stolpmann (
- Klaus Mandola (
- Heiner Westphal (
- Wayne also suggested once the committer vote is in, we should transfer project leadership to Torsten as well.
- Kathy will send out a note to the distribution list and news group about this transfer taking place.
- QA Contact for bugzilla should be changed to Torsten as well.
- Next PMC meeting will be on April 4 10:00 EDT. Kathy will send an updated meeting invitation for April 4 and 11 at 10:00 EDT.