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Attending: Kathy, Ernest, Jonathan, Joel, Torsten
- 03/08 meeting minutes accepted.
TPTP Organization Discussion
- Torsten reported on progress on setting up build.
- Hope to finish build today (for the Java component)
- Need to work on native build (first on 32 bit Windows and Linux, then 64 bit)
- total build time: 2.5 hour
- Joel indicated there's some old build components (e.g. Hyades) that do not need to be included in the build
- Joel and Sam had put build and release info on
- Torsten indicated he's interested in running testing next week (week of March 21). Need more info. Kathy indicated that Paul should be contacted on this.
- Torsten asked if we had been using TPTP to test TPTP. Joel and Kathy answered that manual test and AGF are using older versions of TPTP (since the function had been deprecated). Current driver are used to test other functions.
- More info can be found in Testing process documentation URL
- Torsten asked question about branching and versioning. Joel indicated that we develop on HEAD stream and only branch after releasing. Kathy re-emphasize that since current IBM products have range tolerance set to go up to v5.0.0 for TPTP, it would be much less confusing if new TPTP releases have versions starting with v5.0.0 or up.
- Joel indicated that Verit should refer to | TPTP 4.5 component re-organization and | TPTP 4.7 component re-organization.
- Torsten asked since Verit could not support the TPTP Performance project, would it be better if it is archived or just released AS IS. We had some discussion and concluded that it's probably better and cleaner if it is archived (since IBM committers would not be able to answer questions on it or support it either).
- We went through and answer Torsten's email sent on March 7 to the PMC distribution list on "Questions about the TPTP Project in preperation of the upcoming PMC Call".
- Next PMC meeting will be on March 21 10:00 EDT.