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Attending: Oliver, Kathy, Jonathan, Jerome

  • 09/08 and 09/22 meeting minutes accepted

Development Discussion

  • TPTP 4.7.1
    • TPTP 4.7.1 released on 09/24.
    • No incident accept for Last minute EMF surprises:
      • We've been told all along that EMF will not be dropping to Helios SR1. They had not dropped anything up to September 14 and there's no update on their download sites either. So we had built and packaged with EMF 2.6.0 (the version that was in Helios) for Helios SR1. We just found out on 09/27 that they had dropped EMF v2.6.1 to Helios SR1 late on September 14. So we had to scrabble and react the week of 09/27. We repackaged the AC zips and the All-in-one zip with the new EMF. We also re-run smoke test with the new EMF prereq and tested the AC zips. That's all completed successfully and we announced the refresh on 09/30.
      • Oliver will mention this in the PC meeting today but would likely be told to work with the projects offline. Oliver proposed to ask for an EMF contact so that we can touch base directly closer to release dates.
  • TPTP
    • Using HEAD stream for TPTP to fix a couple of critical defects for consuming products. Will then switch to use HEAD stream for TPTP 4.7.2. Outlook is finishing this by mid October.
  • TPTP 4.7.2
    • Proposing to change TPTP 4.7.2 schedule to do test pass the week of Dec 6 rather than in January. Schedule had been updated at TPTP 4.7.2 schedule


  • TPTP long term plan
    • There's no discussion on the TPTP distribution list about the "Plan for upcoming TPTP releases" Kathy posted on 09/10 other than a couple of comments in the news group, which Kathy commented on .
    • Kathy pointed out that if users and adopter had not noticed it already, they should start noticing that TPTP project is missing from the Indigo release since they are already in Milestone 2 with Milestone 3 coming up in early November.
  • We agreed on changing PMC meeting time from Wednesday 10:00 am to Monday 10:15 to 10:45 am. It will be every 1st and 3rd Monday. Kathy will send out new meeting notice
  • Next PMC meeting on 10/18 10:15 EDT.

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