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Attending: Oliver, Kathy
- Kathy will post the 09/08 meeting minutes.
Development Discussion
- TPTP 4.7.1
- Dropped to RC4 last week. Will GA on 09/24.
- No issues in wrapping up the release.
- TPTP 4.7.2
- Branching started this week. Will do test build and then open HEAD for 4.7.2 development.
- TPTP 4.7.2 schedule
- Development from now to end of the year. Test pass in early January and release in February 2011.
- TPTP long term plan
- There's no discussion on the TPTP distribution list about the "Plan for upcoming TPTP releases" Kathy posted on 09/10. Neither Oliver or Kathy had received any emails directly either. There's a couple of posting on the newsgroup about the fact that TPTP profiler is going away. Kathy will respond.
- Kathy asked if the communication to the distribution list and newsgroup is clear enough for users and adopters to be notified. Oliver agreed that they are adequate.
- Kathy will check with Eclipse EMO regarding best timing of archival of the project after TPTP 4.7.2 is out.
- Kathy will send out new meeting notice for PMC meeting every 2 weeks.
- Next PMC meeting on 10/06 10:00 EDT.