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Attending: Oliver, Kathy
Any issues with last week's summary?
- No issues
4.7 Discussion
TPTP 4.7:
- TPTP 4.7 I3 completed successfully (100% attempted, 97% success).
TPTP 4.7 RC4 driver dropped to Helios RC4 on 06/08. 06/15 was the last day to request respin. So we're done for TPTP 4.7.
- Remaining defects are all release engineering defects (update web site, general maintenance).
- Helios review on June 11 went well. TPTP 4.7 IP logs have been approved. We needed to update version number of 2 third party plugins to comply with the IP log.
- We'll be branching for TPTP 4.7 later on today. HEAD will now be used for TPTP 4.7.1 development to be released with Helios SR1 in end of September.
- Kathy pointed out that since adopter product is still testing with TPTP 4.7, they might still find bugs. If they do find serious bugs that cannot wait until TPTP 4.7.1, then we'll need to create another patch stream TPTP which will be released by around end of July. If we find this necessary, we'll branch TPTP from TPTP 4.7. This will be a very controlled stream from the beginning. It will only contain a handful of critical defects requested by adopters. Any fixes going into TPTP will also be forward ported to HEAD for TPTP 4.7.1.
- Kathy would like to nominate Mike Reid as committer to the TPTP Platform and TPTP Trace project. Jonathan and Ernest are aware of this and support this request. Mike had been working closely with Eugene and Jonathan on the Agent Controller and profiling code. He had already submitted numerous patches in these area. He'll be a valuable addition to the team.
- Oliver will get back to Abbas Tahir on the QualiPSo research project.
- Next PMC meeting on 06/16 10:00 EDT.