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Attending: Oliver, Ernest, Kathy, Eugene, Jonathan, Paul, Joel

Any issues with last week's summary?

  • No issues

4.7 Discussion

  • Kathy: We dropped to M7 on Tuesday 05/04. EMF driver is late again. It was not ready until late Monday night. Combined with some problem with the mirrors, we were not able to start a build until Tuesday afternoon. We barely made the 05/04 cut off for +2 components.
  • Some discussion on this to see what could be done. EMF did not show up in the last Planning Council meeting when we complained about this. We wonder what when the +1 component such as EMF is supposed to drop (Oliver confirmed afterwards that it's supposed to be 9:00am). We wonder if the +1 component date could be changed to Friday instead of Monday. Then we have a bit more buffer to catch up if EMF is late.
  • JRE 1.5 execution environment
    • Jonathan: We have a defect that requires execution environment to be changed to JRE 1.5. We're wondering if we should just change the plugins (and it's dependent plugins) to JRE 1.5 or do the change across the board.
    • Paul indicated that the Test project had already made this change in TPTP 4.6.
    • Joel wondered if we need to get community feedback before making the change across the board.
    • Kathy indicated that we had already announced the removal of JDK 1.4 support in TPTP 4.6. So we are just carrying out what we had already announced and should not need to ask again.
    • Others agreeded that we should go ahead to make the change of all plugins to JRE 1.5.
  • Visual Studio upgrade still pending. Will take place in the next week or so.
  • I2 TP still ongoing (we had a late start). Core scenarios were run successfully. Still need to run some JVMPI regression test cases and have some issue with BVT.


  • Monitoring Project Archival
    • Joel: License update to feature.xml has completed
    • We'll be packaging empty plugins for Monitoring project in TPTP 4.7. Will remove it from the runtime zip and instead have a separate link.
    • Termination review submitted to EMO.
    • Kathy mentioned again that we need to make sure we have all the build pieces in place for the Monitoring project for TPTP 4.7 before archiving CVS.
  • Committer access
    • Jonathan still does not have committer access to Trace project and TPTP web site despite the fact that he is now the project lead. Eugene will start formal committer voting. Kathy will ask for access to cvsroot/org.eclipse.
    • Kathy pointed out that inactive committer still have access (such as Joanna). Kathy will try to clean that up. Project matrix needs to be clean up as well.
  • Next PMC meeting on 05/19 10:00 EDT.
  • Kathy mentioned that she won't be able to make the 05/19 PMC meeting.

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