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Attending: Oliver, Ernest, Kathy, Eugene, Jonathan

Any issues with last week's summary?

  • No issues

4.7 Discussion

  • Build problems late last week and this week:
    • CVS server problem during the day
    • Problem with upgrading to newer Visual studio compiler
  • TPTP 4.7 I2 TP did not start earlier this week as scheduled.
  • Looking to start TP later on today. Might take until 05/04 to finish test pass. Will make sure we test the more important scenarios first so that we have a good driver to drop to Helios M7 on 05/04.
  • Test project still working on bug 309165 which involves UI changes. Will make a decision by Friday whether to include that in TPTP 4.7 or not.


  • Oliver had sent Kathy details on portal-based checklist we are required to fill in for Helios. Kathy had filled in most of the info. A few new entries need more work and Kathy will continue to fill it in before the next PC meeting on 05/05:
    • Ramp down policy for Helios
    • Retention policy
    • Project metric
  • Archiving of monitoring project
    • Eugene mentioned that he had sent out slides to PMC for removal of monitoring project and had incorporated the feedback. He asked for PMC's formal approval for removing the tptp-monitoring project.
    • Unanimously approved.
    • Eugene will send out notice to community to solicite feedback. Deadline for response 04/30.
    • Will then send note to EMO to start the archival process
    • Kathy mentioned that we have to keep building the empty monitoring plugins for a few more weeks because of required license changes. Once the changes are done, we could make one last build and zip up the content for TPTP 4.7. We can then remove the monitoring project from the TPTP 4.7 builds.
    • Kathy inquire about monitoring doc plugins. Eugene confirmed that they will be removed. We need to double check if there will be any dangling links afterwards. Note that a review was done back in TPTP 4.5 when some monitoring functions was removed.

  • Next PMC meeting on 05/05 10:00 EDT.

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