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Attending: Oliver, Ernest, Kathy, Paul
Any issues with last week's summary?
- No issues Discussion
- Milestone 5 declared.
4.7 Discussion
- Regular development for TPTP 4.7 I1 TP1 completed successfully with 100% attempted and 99% success.
- Dropped to Helios M6.
- EMF was very late dropping to M6 again. Almost made us missed the 03/16 M6 date.
- Kathy asked Oliver to try to bring up in the next Planning Council meeting to bring this issue up. It would be nice if those teams have some sort of integration drivers in between milestones and not just drop on the last day.
- Regular TPTP 4.7 I2 development.
- Oliver brought up the fact that we're required to fill in some project wide checklist similar to previous release trains. He will send Kathy the details.
- Discussed about EclipseCon attendance.
- Next weeks PMC canceled. Next PMC meeting on 04/07.