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Attending: Oliver, Chris, Paul, Kathy, Eugene
Any objections to the last summary
- no objections
We noted that we never officially voted Ernest and Eugene onto the PMC
- Oliver as chair moved to add Ernest and Eugene as PMC members.
- After stunning nomination speeches, the PMC unanimous voted in Ernest and Eugene as PMC members
Bugzilla time tracking
Oliver noted from the last summary that there has been some mild pushback about starting to track time in bugzillas.
- Oliver notes that one purpose is to get appropriate oversight on project and asks if the rampup to this is going okay with the leads.
- Kathy clarified some points to IBM side last week
- Kathy sent out some clarification mail to whole team last week
- Oliver asks if the team is onboard?
- Yes, team appears to be onboard.
- Try it and see how it works for a few months and revisit at that time.
The last M4 drop that is currently planned has been made.
4.6.2 I1 test pass 1 in good shape.
- Currently status showing 96% complete (blocked on some dependences being tracked)
- A few defects found in Test and Platform that folks are following up on
- Kathy and Paul agree that TP 1 can be called complete.
We are now back to development mode. We will shut down in early January for next test pass.
4.6.3 and Helios
Eugene did some basic smoke testing with Helios driver and our 4.6.2 build
- It worked okay and we dropped our 4.6.2 build to Helios.
- We are on track with our current plan to defer unique Helios builds until 4.6.2 development is pretty much done.
Kathy led a discussion about 4.6.3 preliminary planning
- When to switch over to building separately on 4.6.3
- Suggest taking rest of 2009 on 4.6.2. When we shutdown for the test pass in January
- We then do critical bug fix for 4.6.2
- And we branch and enable regular development on 4.6.3.
- Suggest taking rest of 2009 on 4.6.2. When we shutdown for the test pass in January
To make this proposal work, we should be selective about what bugfixes to put into 4.6.2 after the I2 test pass. (e.g., only do blocker maintenance).
- Any objections to this proposal?
- No objections
- Approved
Kathy will highlight in schedule the acceleration on 4.6.3 in the plan by annotating slightly the planned 4.6.2 schedule shrinkage at end.
Paul noted thatthe project metadata is a bit out of date and he tried to modify the "TPTP" part of it but doesn't have access (got a bunch of errors).
- Paul opened defect about portal giving a bunch of unrelated errors.
- Oliver agreed to try in case it is Paul's credentials
- Paul gave Oliver some basic instructions on the steps to update it.
Paul followed up with a blogger who had blogged about TPTP to ask them to update to 4.6.1 to get some exposure to the latest releases.
- They agreed to do some cross linking.
We discussed whether we need a call next week 11/18
- Next week's call was cancelled