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Attending: Paul, Oliver, Eugene, Chris
- Paul needs to leave early and is representing Joanna
4.5.2 Test Pass Discussion
Paul notes that we unfortunately started the test pass with a build failure.
- Paul talked to Joel. It seems that this is a "new" issue related to CVS
- Seems to be resolved.
- Build restarted and should complete later today
- Paul would like to see a 1 week test pass
- To avoid loss of time, testers can start with previous build and then switch over as build completes.
Oliver asks about recurring build problems
- Paul seems to think that this one is a new issues wholely related to CVS not related to issues we were having earlier in 4.5.1 regarding UIDs and general networking
Oliver asks if we need to account for 2 days of build around critical points in time (e.g., around the start of test passes)
- Paul mentions if build issues will recur, maybe need to freeze a day or so before the test pass to ensure clean build.
Paul would like to suggest no new defect patches until after the test pass.
- Helps us avoid a moving target
- PMC unanimously agreed
Profiler Outreach
- No action on current mailing list
- Eugene plans to send mail to developer mailing list
- Oliver is attending EclipseWorld meeting and can mention it there as well
Web site updates have been discussed in bugzilla. In addition, Oliver and Paul talked and agreed that want some cleanup
- Paul wants to start with a small new website and then fault additional content back in.
- Alternative was to incrementally remove stuff.
- There were no real disagreements with Paul
- We now have a basic vision for what home screen should look like
- Paul will talk to Joanna about having Josh and Joel follow thru with it for us.
Eugene mentioned that submissions are now open for EclipseCon
- Everyone should submit early and often :-)
- Eugene mentioned that he is open to some joint material with Intel folks
- Chris mentioned that the team is discussing several ideas and will start some discussions with Eugene.
Oliver asked for an update about resourcing for 2009 from Intel
- Chris gave a brief update about the in process planning cycle