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Attending: Oliver, Chris, Joanna, Eugene
Any objections to last weeks summary?
- No
Does anyone need to leave early?
- No
- Oliver wants to roughly follow agenda sent out by Paul
4.5.1 Status Update
Build problems are now resolved (a few build patches still to be done but we have successful builds again)
Of the 26 or so bugs we hoped to resolve for 4.5.1
- 8 have been resolved
- Of remaining 18
- 5 deferred
- 13 need to be reviewed and position determined.
- 2/13 are dupes and almost done
- 1/13 has design issues.
- Oliver asks why we are so off from original plan.
- Joanna notes that there are a number of blockers that showed up in the process that HAD to be worked on.
Eugene has concern about IAC. There seems to be decreasing quality. It does not work in latest version.
- When Joanna looks at IAC, several consumers have issues in this space too
- Eugene thinks the stability reduced when we moved config file to workspace from plugin directory
- This was important for usability and he thinks we just need to work thru the problems.
Plan of attack:
- 4.5.1 is now in PMC approval mode
- Joanna wants a few days to scrub and she will then propose a mass deferral to 4.5.2 for PMC approval
Oliver asks if the date to freeze bits and sent to consumer is still August 7.
- Joanna needs to reconfirm with the consumers about the dates.
On Committership and leads
- Project lead is now Oliver but his portal permissions are not all that we'd hoped for yet
- EMO needs to remove Alex Nan.
- AI to Joanna to nominate Chris and Oliver as Platform committers
- She will do so today.
AS-IS components and builds
Eugene had a few more details from talking to Joel (following up from last week) about the components moving to as-is that we'd like to stop building
- native logging
- log entry analyzer
A few other areas that came up as well:
- Static Analysis Engine
- C++ analysis (starting to see some traffic but don't have any committers)
Harm had this discussion with Joel as well and agrees this is a good idea.
- We actually stopped supporting these things in around 4.5 release and and are now as-is on them.
- A few things that have community interest like AGR may need to keep being built.
- Harm notes that there is no growth for these planned, they've reached end of life for current vision.
- Oliver states they are in hiatus for now. If resources and opportunities arise, they can come back
Oliver wants to focus on supporting consumption by contributing companies and also on community users of a few key things like the JAva profiler. We should consider aggressively as-is on other items.
- Oliver suggests posting list to PMC
- Posting to mailing/newsgroups to find if there will be any concerns by community
- AI Eugene to send out strawman list to PMC list this week.
Question came up regarding how communication is going with Beijing engineers.
- Joanna noted that she will be setting up overall status calls starting next week but has not vocally talked to team yet.
- Eugene has not had explicit dialog yet either.
Updated roadmap doc due in Sep.
- There is discussion about it on the lists
- They want it in XML format
- The main item that is out of ordinary for us is that we are not doing enhancements (maintenance only)
- One section is particulalry salient (community outreach)
- We will probably assign 1 person to collect all of the items from the leads and merge it into a single XML file for review before the September deadline.
Oliver asked Eugene about viability of Eclipse profiler for engaging plugin developers
- Eugene thinks that if the IAC is stable 4.5.1 will be good
- Eugene has added a few wiki pages in preparation for this
- For example: how to update to TPTP from update manager.
- He plans to adding a few others
- For example: bottleneck identification instructions
- Eugene has added a few wiki pages in preparation for this
Oliver is starting up some development work with Eclipse would like some hints about best methods for builds/test and linking that in with bugzilla. Oliver asks for advice about who to talk to in TPTP about this.
- Harm suggests talking to Nick Bolton and Joel.
Lord Simcoe Day in Toronto is upon us