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Attending: Oliver, Paul, Joanna, Chris, AlexA

  • AlexN on vacation

Any issues with prior minutes?

  • no issues

Ganymede Release Review

Paul sent out draft of foils to use for release review

  • Oliver asks if anyone has any changes to make to these foils?
  • No, no objections or additions
  • Paul's excellent contribution will be used for review.
  • Paul noted that Oliver will need to convert foils to PDF and provide ppt and pdf.

Closing down TPTP 4.5

Oliver notes that there is a list of bugzillas for deferral that we have voted on. Are we done with that?

  • Yes, we are done. several +1 votes, no -1 votes, harm voted 0 for now
  • Deferral plan is accepted

I8 discussion

Oliver notes that folks should be halfway thru test pass 1. Whats up?

Is everyone's test results up to date

  • Paul for Test: yes
    • a number of suites not done relate to documentation and are less critical
    • Some outstanding manual tests to run in next few days.
    • 6% fail rate right now; some assorted test navigator issues that Jerome is working thru
    • Expects blocking/critical fixed by end of next week
  • Joanna for Platform
    • There are some Platform/ui and probekit tests TODO
    • Joanna has been updating May 12 list of still targeted defects with "fix dates"
  • AlexA for trace/profiler
    • Profiler smoke testing done
    • Trace run and results checked into CVS

Paul asks about a few sets of tests that seem to have gotten lost in the details

  • Junit tests for common base event
  • Event implementation tests, etc
  • These are Usually run by AlexN and company but he is out.
    • Who should be running them?
    • Joanna notes that Rohit is AlexA's backup.
    • Rohit says that he is done with his test pass and checked stuff in but has only done BTM.
    • Paul IMed Rohit to get status of the tests in question
      • They have been run and results are being checked in.

What is after 4.5?

Paul noted that there are only a few weeks before we finish 4.5

  • Will we have or will we go with 4.5.1?
  • Joanna notes there are a handful of defects for a consuming product
  • Trying to accelerate into 4.5...
    • IBM team already moving on them
    • For an AC defect Stanislav has been pursuing it
    • If cannot get into 4.5
      • IBM may want to consider
      • Will be able to make decision better next week.
  • would potentially conflict with resource shuffling timeframe at Intel
    • Joanna is pursuing defects now

Joanna asked if Intel continue with AC builds

  • Chris indicated that Intel will continue to build native part of stack

Oliver asks if test team running out of work to do with 4.5?

  • Paul notes that team can keep busy between now and the next few weeks.

Oliver asks what is diff between and 4.5.1. The two biggest areas discussed were

  • Timeframe ( would be accelerated)
  • sync with TPTP (4.5.1 will probably align to Ganymede fall maintenance)


We discussed a bit on post 4.5 resourcing and planning Oliver asks if there is any more information from IBM

  • Harm has a proposal in process is is trying to organize a meeting next week.
  • He wants a cross IBM product team discussion

EclipseCon '09 planning is starting

  • Scott is looking for a test/performance lead for track
  • Paul has done it for a few years and will probably not do it next year
  • There is an opportunity here for someone to jump in.

SAP heap analysis integration

  • Oliver mentioned from talking to Andreas
    • SAP guys would maintain heap analysis components but not profiler components
  • Eugene has gone thru the use cases for the analyzer
  • AlexA has estimated ~3 person months of work (AlexA) for creating extension points
    • That time is unlikely to be available for 4.5.1
  • The question came up whether IBM might be interested in adding those extension points (e.g., if they may want to consume from the static heap analysis feature)
  • Question came up whether Andreas had talked to JDT guys as another possible home.
  • Oliver will talk a bit to Andreas

Chris will be on vacation next Wednesday

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