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Attenging: Paul, Harm, AlexA, Chris, Oliver
Missing: AlexN, Joanna, Guru
- AlexA was there for Guru
- No substitutes for AlexN, Joanna
Oliver noted that for those leads that are not attending meeting or sending a substitute (especially after not sending a status on list) is a bad thing.
Any objections to last weeks meetings
- No objections
Next week we will have a discussion about POG after the PMC.
- We added Paul, Joanna, Harm to the attendee list.
- AI chris to make sure next week's meet is properly extended for profiling discussion
Ganymede Iteration Finalization
Iteration due on Friday. Oliver asks if we are on track?
- Test
- Nothing blocking from releasing TP 1 was completed. Will do some lite testing with Joel's candidate driver
- Asked Joel to start pushing the TP2 report onto web site.
- Trace/Profiling
- Test pass finished
- Filed one critical bug [resolved by Joanna's team]
- Should be rolled into report by Joanna.
Because they are not present and sent no substitutes or email updates to the lists. Oliver assuming that monitoring and Platform are on schedule
- Otherwise they are "superbad"
Ganymede Iteration Startup
Next iteration starting on Monday
- AI leads: Make sure that all bugs to be fixed in next iteration are in weekly plan.
- AI leads: Make sure that test suites contain that set of tests intended for next iteration (and presumably only those tests)
Next iteration and POG
AlexA raised a question about fulfilling the AI to document in the weekly plan all defects by next Wed.
- The POG effort is generating lots of potential defects. Prioritization is in process so will be unable to fully plan by next week. Not 100% sure the list of bugs to fix for usability (POG) work for next iteration
- Oliver thanked Alex for not simply saying "yes" and for noting it this way.
- Oliver asked if bugzillas can be opened against all known POG wishes by next Wednesday
- Alex and Chris noted the Russia holiday schedule will make that improbable (only a single work day between now and then).Given holiday schedule by next Fri.
- Backup suggestion is to have a rough priority list of probable items for discussion next Wednesday and then file bugzillas by next Friday.
Alex asked the question of which teams will be fixing the usability bugs?
- Harm suggests that individual bugs should be fixed by component teams causing issues
Not all issues Harm notes will be fixable in this timeframe.
- Some may be able to be documentd (e.g., release notes) and then fixed later.
Update on Test Initiative
Paul to talk to Joel today
- Fixing of a BIRT defect is underway
Should be able to have discussion about going public with test initiative
IBM VM delivery
Latest IBM VM does not support can_redefine_any_class capability. TPTP JVMTI implementation currently requires this capability for BCI to work as of today. There is a technical thread underway about import/possibilities of having a workaround to allow IBM VM to work.
Oliver would like an IBM contact who can guage the necessary and sufficient aspects of possible solutions from IBM's perspective.
JVMTI questions - Harm notes that workarounds should be explored.
- Some scenarios work correctly in absence of RedefineClasses
- Chris asked what else besides the current mail thread needs to happen.
- need a single person at IBM who can say that deferal/scenarios are critical for IBM
- Need to get appropriate IBM sponsor to accept position of TPTP on what workarounds are and aren't possible
- Mail thread in process will be good to outline technical possibilities
- Chris asked what else besides the current mail thread needs to happen.
Inactive committer discussion
Monitoring and Platform and Trace
- Paul/Harm have not yet seen the mail going from these leads to the committers to be removed. This was an action item from last year. AI to Monitoring,Platform,Trace to complete this AI.
- Reminder to leads to send final list of names that come back from this process Paul
- Paul assembling a master list