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- Present:
- Alex Nan
- Hariharan Narayanan
- Rohit Shetty
- Yasuhisa Gotoh
- Richard Yun Song Huang - won't be able to participate to the calls from now one
- 4.5 i6 test pass 1 started
- issues with the Eclipse p2 driver, tptpAllInOne package seems to be working though
- plugins are now installed with the new Equinox p2
- Alex
- finished TVT and enablement tests and some of the outstanding defects: bug 153615, bug 208705, bug 213095, bug 219835, bug 223493
- Richard
- cannot call in from home at night anymore so won't be able to attend the Monitoring project meeting in the next 5 month
- progress will be reported weekly by e-mail
- finished bug 221987
- Hari
- finished bug 219989 and bug 221555.
- Alex will have to check in the document updated in bug 221555
- Gotoh-san
- finished bug 219266, bug 213400, bug 199588 and bug 196219
- Rohit
- resolved the outstanding defect bug 164039
- will need to test the EM64T windows parser
Action items
- team to finish 4.5 i6 TP1 by next week
- Alex to check in Hari's document provided in bug 221555