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Swordfish Documentation: Architecture
This page provides the entry point for architectural concepts and corresponding discussions.
Note: The information provided here is dynamic and is meant to reflect the current status of the project discussion.
For an introduction, see Whitepaper: Eclipse Swordfish – an Open Source SOA Runtime Framework for the Enterprise (February 2009)
Component Architectures
Service Registry Plugin
Swordfish supports the connection to different service registries in order to allow dynamic endpoint resolution. This flexibility is realized through the service registry plugin.
Policy Trading Plugin
Swordfish shall support flexible support for policy trading at service resolution. This includes selection of a suitable service provider based on a consumer policy and trading of an agreed policy for service invocation. Here the team provides sketches of the component architecture of an exemplary implementation Policy Trading Plugin.
Internal Service Proxy Plugin
The Internal Service Proxy allows plugins to access the NMR inside Swordfish.
Interceptor Framework
The Interceptor Framework provides generic support for intercepting messages in different stages of the communication between consumer and provider. It enables implementations that allow the distinguishing role (consumer / provider) and scope (request, response).
Framework concepts
Technical Parameter Propagation
Technical Parameter Propagation.
Further Reading
For further details also have a look at: Swordfish Papers, Articles and Presentations