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Starting Eclipse Commandline With Equinox Launcher/p2 Admin UI
Admin UI RCP App
If you're looking to start up the Equinox p2 Admin UI from the commandline using Java instead of eclipse.exe, here's one way:#!/bin/bash vm=/opt/sun-java2-5.0/bin/java eclipsehome=~/eclipse/p2 workspace=$eclipsehome/workspace pushd $eclipsehome >/dev/null if [[ $# -eq 0 ]]; then rm -fr $eclipsehome/eclipse $workspace mkdir -p $eclipsehome/eclipse p2=equinox-p2-agent-3.4-linux.tar.gz echo "Unpack $p2..." tar xzf $p2 -C eclipse fi cp=$(find $eclipsehome -name "org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_*.jar" | sort | tail -1); $vm -cp $cp org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main -data $workspace \ -consolelog -clean -debug -console -noexit \ -vmargs -Xms128M -Xmx256M -XX:PermSize=128M -XX:MaxPermSize=256M popd >/dev/null
Admin UI Eclipse Perspective
To run the Equinox p2 Admin UI from within a full Eclipse install, you need to install some extra plugins into Eclipse, or install Eclipse into the p2 agent. The latter is documented here. The former can be done like this:#!/bin/bash vm=/opt/sun-java2-5.0/bin/java eclipsehome=~/eclipse/p2_eclipse; workspace=$eclipsehome/workspace pushd $eclipsehome >/dev/null if [[ $# -eq 0 ]]; then rm -fr $eclipsehome/eclipse $workspace; mkdir -p $eclipsehome/eclipse; eclipse=eclipse-SDK-3.4-linux-gtk.tar.gz echo "Unpack $eclipse..."; tar xzf $eclipse p2=equinox-p2-agent-3.4-linux.tar.gz echo "Unpack $p2 into dropins" mkdir -p $eclipsehome/eclipse/dropins/p2 tar xzf $p2 -C $eclipsehome/eclipse/dropins/p2 rm -fr $eclipsehome/eclipse/dropins/p2/{dropins,,p2,artifacts.xml,configuration,eclipse,eclipse.ini} fi cp=$(find $eclipsehome -name "org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_*.jar" | sort | tail -1); $vm -cp $cp org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main -data $workspace \ -consolelog -clean -debug -console -noexit \ -vmargs -Xms128M -Xmx256M -XX:PermSize=128M -XX:MaxPermSize=256M popd >/dev/null
Once started, open the Provisioning perspective.
If you want to do the same with an Ant or Cmd/Bat script, see Starting Eclipse Commandline With Equinox Launcher for how to write an equivalent script.