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Stardust/Knowledge Base/Web Service API/Starting Processes with Document Attachments
This example demonstrates how to start a process instance with document attachments using the WS-API.
Create a simple process with ID: "TestProcess1"
Enable Process Attachments
One manual activity to show the data submitted on process start and to allow checking if the document is added as process attachment.
A manual trigger is not required to allow process starts via the WS API.
In Stardust version > 5.2 WS Security (optional) is supported. Hence the WSDL URLs for http basic authentication have changed. The new URLs are:
After starting the server, it should be possible to import the WSDL into SOAP UI or to read it with another client
- Start an instance of the example process TestProcess1
- Submit a value for the process data TestStringData
- Attach a text document to the process
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:api=""> <soapenv:Header/> <soapenv:Body> <api:startProcess> <!--type: string--> <api:processId>TestProcess1</api:processId> <api:parameters> <!--Zero or more repetitions:--> <api:parameter> <!--type: string--> <api:name>TestStringData</api:name> <api:primitive>My test data</api:primitive> </api:parameter> </api:parameters> <!--type: boolean--> <api:startSynchronously>true</api:startSynchronously> <!--Optional:--> <api:attachments> <!--Zero or more repetitions:--> <api:inputDocument> <api:documentInfo> <api:name>mydoc.txt</api:name> <api:type>api:Document</api:type> <api:description>My document description</api:description> <api:contentType>text/plain</api:contentType> <!--Optional:--> <api:owner>motu</api:owner> <api:dateCreated>20010-07-15E13:40:00</api:dateCreated> <api:dateLastModified>20010-07-15E14:00:00</api:dateLastModified> <api:metaDataType></api:metaDataType> </api:documentInfo> <!--Optional:--> <api:content>VGhpcyBpcyBhIHRlc3Q=</api:content> <!--Optional:--> <api:versionInfo> <api:label></api:label> </api:versionInfo> <api:targetFolder></api:targetFolder> </api:inputDocument> </api:attachments> </api:startProcess> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope>
The credentials to be used for the login to the Stardust service (http basic authentication, motu/motu) can be changed in the properties of the request.
After a successful execution of the example startProcess request on IWorkflowServiceSoapBinding, a new work list entry for the Administrator should exist:
The activity panel which opens for this work item should show
- The submitted process data
- The document attached to the process