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< Sisu
How to add specific bindings to the basic Sisu example
Here is an expanded version of the 'getting started' tutorial that adds an additional module to publish some scalar parameters.
public static BusBootstrap Main(final String[] cliArguments, final String configFilePathname) { ClassLoader classloader = BusBootstrap.class.getClassLoader(); AbstractModule parameterModule = new AbstractModule() { @Override protected void configure() { // Add EDSL binding calls here. } @Provides @Parameters String[] cliArguments() { return cliArguments; } @Provides WsBusConfig config() { return new WsBusConfig(configFilePathname); } }; Injector injector = Guice.createInjector( new WireModule(// auto-wires unresolved dependencies parameterModule, new SpaceModule(// scans and binds @Named components new URLClassSpace(classloader) // abstracts class/resource finding ))); return injector.getInstance(BusBootstrap.class); }