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DSDP/MTJ/See Comments

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Short description:

A Java developer wants to find information about methods, classes, packages, APIs or devices concerning the project he is about the make.




Proposed:|Accepted: date_here

Community Review: review_date_here

Use Case Specification: See comments

1. Brief Description

A Java developer wants to find information about methods, classes, packages, APIs or devices concerning the project he is about the make. He perhaps has had problems when using a method with a certain device.

2. Flow of events

2.1 Basic Flow

B1: The user navigates on top of a method, class or package in the source code.
B2: The user chooses to see information about the method, class, package or API.
B3: The system provides options to see info concerning
(1) the project devices,
(2) the devices identified with a preprocessing tag under which the method or class is used
(3) latest used device sets in “see comments”
(4) the most used device sets in “see comments”
(5) freely chosen device or a device set
a. The system opens up a dialogue to choose the devices from a device listing.
b. The user marks the devices he is interested finding information about
(6) generally the code item without choosing a device
B4: The user chooses a device or a device set.
B5: The system shows all the comments concerning the chosen target code item (method, class, …) and the chosen target device set.
B6: The system shows options for choosing another device set or to change the code item level e.g. from method to class

2.2 Alternative flows

Alternative flow 1: The user wants to change the device set or the viewed code item level.

3. Special Requirements

4. Preconditions

4.1 Written source code is available
The user has written source code from which he wants to find information about. He has possibly also tested the code on some target devices in order to experience the need for information, but this is not necessary.

5. Post Conditions

5.1 Comments are shown to the user
The system has shown comments to the user about a chosen code item concerning a chosen device set.

6. Extension Points


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