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Scout/Tutorial/4.0/Modular Application
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Scout applications can be built as a set of application modules extending a common core application. New modules normally consist of three additional plugins (client, shared, server). In these plugins, new functionality and GUI-components may be added to extend an existing application.
Adding new modules is also possible with Release 3.8 (Eclipse Juno). Since Release 3.9 (Kepler), it additionally...
- is supported heavily by the SDK.
- is not necessary anymore to change the code of the extended plugin, as it provides extension points which can be extended by the extending plugin.
In this tutorial, a new Scout module is added to an existing Scout application. The new module provides an additional outline "Extension".
Create core application
Create a new Scout project with name org.example.myapp
and postfix core
. This will create bundles with names org.example.myapp.[client|shared|server].core
Create extension bundles
Right-click on your Scout project and choose "Add Scout bundles...". Use the same project name (org.example.myapp
), but a different postfix (extension
This creates three more bundles. These bundles are already Scout plugins, no more manual work is needed.
Adding an extension
In the extension bundle org.example.myapp.client.extension
, the class DesktopExtension
has been generated. This DesktopExtension
is also visible in the Scout Explorer.
Building the extension
The Scout SDK displays the three extension bundles as a separate Scout module. The orange client node contains a "Desktop-Extension" node. You can now use the Scout SDK to build your module as you would with a normal Scout application.
Test your application
Now start the server and the rap plugin. Start your browser an go to localhost:8082. The new Outline "Extension" is visible in your application.