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Scout/Tutorial/3.9/webservices/Console Output for CompanyWebService
< Scout | Tutorial | 3.9 | webservices
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[INFO] JAX-WS option: -b WEB-INF/build/CompanyWebService-bindings.xml [INFO] JAX-WS directive: -verbose [INFO] JAX-WS option: -target 2.0 [INFO] JAX-WS directive: -Xdebug [INFO] JAX-WS directive: -keep [INFO] Code fix (WSDL resource finding) applied to [INFO] All the 6 stub files compiled [INFO] Stub JAR-file 'CompanyWebService.jar' created [INFO] JAX-WS stub generation completed. For debugging purpose, please see the following debug output. [INFO] parsing WSDL... [DEBUG] Authorization file "C:\Users\dwi\.metro\auth" not found. If the WSDL access needs Basic Authentication, please provide authorization file with read access at C:\Users\dwi\.metro\auth or use -Xauthfile to give the authorization file and on each line provide authorization information using this format : http[s]://user:password@host:port//<url-path> generating code... org\eclipse\scout\tutorial\jaxws\services\ws\companywebservice\ org\eclipse\scout\tutorial\jaxws\services\ws\companywebservice\ org\eclipse\scout\tutorial\jaxws\services\ws\companywebservice\ org\eclipse\scout\tutorial\jaxws\services\ws\companywebservice\ org\eclipse\scout\tutorial\jaxws\services\ws\companywebservice\ org\eclipse\scout\tutorial\jaxws\services\ws\companywebservice\ [INFO] wsdl model name=CompanyWebService [INFO] targetNamespace= [INFO] service={}CompanyWebService [INFO] port={}CompanyWebServicePort