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Scout/Tutorial/3.8/webservices/Create WsLogTablePage
The Scout documentation has been moved to
Create WS Log Table Page
On the client node, go to 'Desktop' | 'Outlines' | 'StandardOutline'. Right click on the node Child Pages to create a new The Scout documentation has been moved to [1]. As page layout, choose AbstractPageWithTable
[2] to create a page representing tabular data. On the next step, enter WS Log
as name for that page and choose to add this page to the MainOutline
(might be StandardOutline) [3]. By clicking Finish, the page is created and attached to the MainOutline.
Create columns
On the WsLogTablePage
node, go to 'Table' | 'Columns'. Right click on the node to create a new The Scout documentation has been moved to [4]. Please add the following five columns to that table:
WsLogNrColumn Type: Long Column Name: Do not fill because column represents primary key and therefore is hidden Class name: WsLogNrColumn
DateColumn Type: String Column Name: Date Class name: DateColumn
ServiceColumn Type: String Column Name: Service Class name: ServiceColumn
PortColumn Type: String Column Name: Port Class name: PortColumn
OperationColumn Type: String Column Name: Operation Class name: OperationColumn
To not display the WsLogNrColumn
column because of holding the primary key, go to that column in Scout SDK and uncheck Displayable
in Scout Property View.
To have the columns equally distributed over the available space of the table page, go to the The Scout documentation has been moved to node and check Auto Resize Columns
in Scout Property View.
Create service to load WS Log data from database
Finally, we have to populate the table with WS Log data.
For that purpose, go to the server node and double click on 'Outline Services' | 'StandardOutlineService' to open the corresponding Java class. In there, create the operation getWsLogTableData
to load WS log data from database. Also add the operation signature to the service interface IStandardOutlineService
to be accessible from client side.
@Override public Object[][] getWsLogTableData() throws ProcessingException { return"" + "SELECT WS_LOG_NR, " + " EVT_DATE, " + " SERVICE, " + " PORT, " + " OPERATION " + "FROM WS_LOG "); }
Load WS Log data into WsLogTablePage
On client node, go to the WsLogTablePage
to consume the service's data.
On the Scout Property View, click on the operation Exec Load Table Data
to populate the WS Log table. Implement the method as follows:
@Override protected Object[][] execLoadTableData(SearchFilter filter) throws ProcessingException { return SERVICES.getService(IStandardOutlineService.class).getWsLogTableData(); }