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Scout/HowTo/3.8/Showing forms on an AbstractPage
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This how-to describes how to show forms on an AbstractPage.
The how-to Open a Form in a View explains how a form can be shown in a view. This how-to takes things a bit further by showing you how to dynamically creating and destroying the forms when selecting a certain page in your outline.
Building a page with forms
- Create an empty page extending AbstractPage:
- Define the pages icon, its name and set its Leaf property to true:
@Override protected String getConfiguredIconId() { return org.eclipse.minicrm.shared.Icons.Forms; } @Override protected String getConfiguredTitle() { return TEXTS.get("FormPage"); } @Override protected boolean getConfiguredLeaf() { return true; }
- Add a member for each form to be shown:
FirstForm firstForm; SecondForm secondForm; ThirdForm thirdForm;
- Override execPageActivated() to create the forms and display them. Use setDisplayViewId() to define in which view the form shall be placed:
@Override protected void execPageActivated() throws ProcessingException { firstForm = new FirstForm(); firstForm.setDisplayHint(IForm.DISPLAY_HINT_VIEW); firstForm.setDisplayViewId(IForm.VIEW_ID_PAGE_DETAIL); firstForm.setEnabledGranted(false); // add this line, if you want the form to be read-only firstForm.startModify(); secondForm = new SecondForm(); secondForm.setDisplayHint(IForm.DISPLAY_HINT_VIEW); secondForm.setDisplayViewId(IForm.VIEW_ID_E); secondForm.startModify(); thirdForm = new ThirdForm(); thirdForm.setDisplayHint(IForm.DISPLAY_HINT_VIEW); thirdForm.setDisplayViewId(IForm.VIEW_ID_PAGE_SEARCH); thirdForm.startModify(); }
- Override execPageDeactivated() to clean up when the user leaves the page:
@Override protected void execPageDeactivated() throws ProcessingException { if (firstForm != null) { firstForm.doClose(); firstForm = null; } if (secondForm != null) { secondForm.doClose(); secondForm = null; } if (thirdForm != null) { thirdForm.doClose(); thirdForm = null; } // this is a hack to make sure the forms are correctly displayed when changing between form-pages without changing to a table-page first // this is no longer needed with Scout 3.9.0 M4 (Kepler Milestone 4) try { Thread.sleep(500); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } }
The results will look something like this:
Refreshing the forms
If you want to forward the page refresh (F5) to the forms on the page, you need to override the execPageDataLoaded() method:
@Override protected void execPageDataLoaded() throws ProcessingException { if (firstForm != null) { firstForm.refresh(); } if (secondForm != null) { secondForm.refresh(); } if (thirdForm != null) { thirdForm.refresh(); } }
Of course, your forms need to implement the refresh() method. Ideally, this method contains the code, which is usually in the ModifyHandler.execLoad() method:
@FormData(value = FirstFormData.class, sdkCommand = SdkCommand.CREATE) public class FirstForm extends AbstractForm { public FirstForm() throws ProcessingException { super(); } ... rest of form content ... public void refresh() throws ProcessingException { // code that was in ModifyHandler.execLoad() IFirstProcessService service = SERVICES.getService(IFirstProcessService.class); FirstFormData formData = new FirstFormData(); exportFormData(formData); formData = service.load(formData); importFormData(formData); setEnabledPermission(new UpdateFirstPermission()); } public class ModifyHandler extends AbstractFormHandler { @Override public void execLoad() throws ProcessingException { refresh(); } @Override public void execStore() throws ProcessingException { IFirstProcessService service = SERVICES.getService(IFirstProcessService.class); FirstFormData formData = new FirstFormData(); exportFormData(formData); formData =; } } }
Note: There is currently a bug in the implementation of UTCDateField which will cause an exception when refreshing a form containing an UTCDateField (Bug 399585 has been opened)