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Scout/HowTo/3.8/Create a new project
The Scout documentation has been moved to
Scout Explorer view
In the The Scout documentation has been moved to select New Scout Project... in the context menu of the Scout Projects folder.
Step 1
In this step, it is possible to choose:
- The project name (mandatory)
- The project postfix
- The project alias (mandatory)
The plug-ins (The Scout documentation has been moved to, The Scout documentation has been moved to, The Scout documentation has been moved to, The Scout documentation has been moved to are named using the pattern:
<project name>.<plug in>.<project postfix>
It is possible to choose which plugin-ins need to be added. A Scout application must not always be a client/server application. You can also create client only or server only applications.
But in any case you must include the shared plug-in in the project.
Because of the The Scout documentation has been moved to it is possible to choose the UI Plug-ins that will render the application.
Step 2
This steps allows to choose The Scout documentation has been moved to that should be created.
Step 3 (Optional)
This step is only available if the RAP UI has been checked in Step 1.
Because the RAP runtime cannot be installed into the running Eclipse instance a separate target platform must be created. This target platform must contain all plugins to run the Scout RAP UI. There are several possibilities to create such a target platform:
- Create new RAP Target
This option is only available on an Eclipse 3.8 or 4.2 with the Scout RAP Target Feature installed in the running Eclipse instance.
When choosing this option a new RAP target platform will be created at the location specified. This target platform is then defined by all plugins available to the running Eclipse and the RAP target platform extracted to the given directory. - Download RAP Target
When choosing this option the target platform will be downloaded into the running workspace. This download will then only be available to the active workspace! There are two download types:- Only download the RAP plugins (checkbox not ticked, default)
The target platform will be defined by the plugins available to the running Eclipse instance and the downloaded RAP plugins. This download is smaller. - Download a new Juno Eclipse platform as well (checkox ticked)
A complete, new Juno target platform will be downloaded and used. This option can be used when you want to ensure that no plugins of the running Eclipse should be in the target platform or if you are not running Eclipse Juno but want to use Juno features in your project.
Be aware that the developer tools in your runnig Eclipse must be compatible with the Juno platform that will be used then!
- Only download the RAP plugins (checkbox not ticked, default)
- Existing RAP Target
An existing RAP target location can be specified. The wizard then tries to detect whether the given location contains a complete target platform or only the RAP target plugins. If a complete platform is detected, only the directory specified will be part of the target platform. Otherwise the given directory together with the plugins available to the running Eclipse will define the target platform. - I'll do it later
When choosing this option the Scout SDK does not create a RAP target platform for you. The platform must be created manually after the Scout project has been created. The created project will not compile before a complete target platform has been created!