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Science WG/2019 Release
Participating projects
- TeXlipse version 2.0.3
- Minor bug fixes.
- Some code reorganisation, generate Java code from grammar on build.
- Triquetrum
- Changes:
- Support for Apache Karaf, the OSGi runtime.
- An updated version of the Ptolemy II runtime that included minor bug fixes to Ptolemy II since the previous Triquetrum 0.2.1 release in December 2017. See the ptII osgi-2-0 commits for a complete list of changes.
- Support for Eclipse 2019-06 or 2019-09 if possible
- Support for JDK 1.8 through JDK 12
- Release Engineering
- Changes:
- SWTChart version 0.9.0
- SVG export
- Improved scrolling and data handling
- ChemClipse version 0.8.0
- Improved GC/MS and GC/FID model
- Added FTIR and NMR model
- Eclipse January version 2.3.0
- Ongoing migration from using constants to specify types of datasets
- Bug fixes
- Eclipse XACC version 1.0.0
- Initial 1.0.0 release of core XACC API, interfaces, and quantum computing interface implementations.
- Initial support for IBM, Rigetti, and D-Wave quantum computing platforms.
- Eclipse StatET version 4.0
Release Versions
Eclipse has guidelines about Release Version Naming:
Releases and IP CQs says:
"Interim Releases. Incubation Phase projects may make releases. All major and minor releases must go through a Release Review."
Release Review says:
"Intellectual Property"
"Before you can consider a Release Review, all of the relevant CQs must be approved by the Eclipse Legal team. We cannot schedule a Review before the Legal team has completed their work. If you are waiting for CQs, please review where your CQs are, and when they are scheduled to be reviewed, in the IP team work queue."
On March 21, 2016, Wayne Beaton described the release process for projects in incubation:
"Projects can do releases while in incubation."
"All CQs for code/libraries that are included in the release bits must be closed/approved by the IP Team prior to the release."
"In the time leading up to the release, you can and should distribute milestone builds that includes code/libraries that the IP team has granted checkin approval for. These are not official releases, and should be annotated as such (e.g. 0.7M2)."
"I recommend that the Science Working Group make a master list of all the open CQs that are required for the coordinated autumn release that we can present to the IP Team along with your last question. This should be a relatively easy query if we have a list of participating projects. Giving the IP Team a clear picture of what needs to be accomplished is the best way of getting that question answered."