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ReqCycle 0.9.0 news and worthy
ID Summary
- 376 OCL support on Mars release
- 514 Traceability Table view improvement
- 269 Automatically generate requirements' ID
- 626 Cannot edit custom attribute on imported requirements
- 703 Predefined attributes for links
- 704 Traceability link status as mandatory attribute
- 705 visualize images contained in imported requirements
First support for images: can import images contained in requirement text from word documents and can then visualize them through a dedicated image view.
bug fixes
Bug ID Summary
- 365 Display of ReqCycle Requirement
- 38 Traceability removal in the traceability view
- 203 Multi line requirement description can not be seen (only first line)
- 257 Copyright missing for IVersion Manager class and wrong returned type
- 301 Delete all the versions of a datamodel at once
- 315 Delete the in-memory repository source while deleting the .reqcycle file
- 318 Fix requirement's saving
- 505 Traceability links are not shown immediately in a new row table
- 625 CSV export stopped working after import of a reqIF file
- 642 some characters used in requirement source name cause errors later in use of those requirements
- 663 empty text instead of null by default
- 664 NPE on requirement view if requirement text is null
- 665 Creation of local requirements has no scope
- 699 NPE with empty link attribute value
- 700 Traceability table does not show properties for links
- 506 Update of part of the ATM tutorial
- 246 Fix rmf import with xhtml text content
- 701 Traceability treeview shall allow deleting only internal links (created through ReqCycle)
- 627 Traceability export (xls or csv) does not mention model element qualified name
- 690 locate a requirement leads to empty window
- 28 requirements hard to visualize when no styling model is applied
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