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ReqCycle / developer resources / Traceability / Visitor
Traceability Visitor
This section will describe steps for registering new traceability visitors in ReqCycle
Register a visitor
Traceability visitors and Visitable resoures can be defined separately. To define a tracceability visitor the first step is defining an Eclipse extension :
<extension point="org.polarsys.reqcycle.traceability.builder.traceabilityAnalyser">
<Analyser description="description text displayed in ReqCycle configuration" label="Label displayed in ReqCycle configuration" visitor="YourVisitor"> </Analyser>
the visitor shall implement the interface : org.polarsys.reqcycle.uri.visitors.IVisitor
Note : a traceability visitor is a standard reachable object visitor
Implement a visitor
Process description
During a traceability build process from a reachable object all the visitors will be called the algorithm is described bellow :
for each reachable object o
for each visitor v registered through analyser extension point call void start(IAdaptable) method for each element e visited in o for each kept visitor v registered through analyser extension point call boolean visit(Object, IAdaptable) if result equals to false remove v from kept visitor list for each visitor v registered through analyser extension point call void end(IAdaptable) method
Traceability Creation
for traceability purposes, the IAdaptable object is currently adaptable in one type (other types could be proposed later) :
→ org.polarsys.reqcycle.traceability.builder.ITraceabilityBuilder.IBuilderCallBack
Once the method boolean visit (Object, IAdaptable) is called, it is visitor responsability to determine :
- if it desires to continue to visit. If NO the visitor shall return FALSE
- if the given object can help for traceability identification
If a traceability link is detected the visitor shall call the newUpwardRelationShip method from IBuilderCallBack
Example of traceability link creation : ((IBuilderCallBack)(adaptable.getAdapter(IBuilderCallBack)).newUpwardRelation(traceability, container, source, Collections.singletonList(target), type);
- traceability is an object which indentifies the traceability link
- container is an object which "contains" the traceability link it is generally the resource containing the traceability link or currently build
- source is the source of an upward traceability relationship
- target is the target of an upward traceability relationship
- type is an instance of org.polarsys.reqcycle.traceability.model.TType which define the type of the relationship
Note : in newUpwardRelation method objects are passed as arguments, ReqCycle will transform them to Reachables during the traceability analysis. Take care that your objects will be recognized