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QVTd/New and Noteworthy/2018-12
Eclipse QVTd New and Noteworthy items for the Eclipse QVTd 2018-09 0.17.0 release.
Release Overview
The QVTr to QVTc to QVTu to QVTm to QVTs to QVTi is simplification to QVTr to QVTs to QVTi started in 0.15.0 is now available.
The JUnit test that applies ATL2QVTr to Families2Person.atl successfully transform the ATL to QVTr and on to Java where it executes to perform Families2Person correctly.
Static scheduling of the cycle involving a polymorphic relation hierarchy to convert an ATL OclExpression to a Pivot OCLExpression works. However a variety of optimizations such as merging and dispatching remain to do.
In particular
- there is no support for in-place transformation.
A preliminary form of QVTr to QVTs to QVTi transformation chain is available.
The launchers should only be used for research and experimental purposes.