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OPEES / Polarsys Face to Face Meeting in Toulouse
The Polarsys meeting on May 23rd is hosted by INP-ENSEEIHT located at 2 Rue Charles Camichel, 31000 Toulouse, France
The Eclipse Day Toulouse on May 24th take place at Hotel Palladia located at 271 Avenue de Grande Bretagne, 31000 Toulouse, France
Please indicate your participation in the Doodle
The formal registration for Eclipse Day Toulouse will be launched on April 20th. For logistic reason, we will ask you to register for the Eclipse Day Toulouse. Cost of the registration is of 20€ to cover a part of the event catering.
- We advice you to take a room at Hotel Palladia. This is the place of the Eclipse Day, so you will be on site for the Eclipse Day Toulouse on May 24th. Indicate that you participate to the Eclipse Day Toulouse on May 24th, and you will get a special price of 150€, breakfast included.
- Residhome Tolosa is also on the place of the conference. This hotel is very recent, and the price of a night starts at 60€ (without breakfast) for very confortable rooms.
- Hotel Kyriad Toulouse Centre is located near downtown and ENSEEIHT. It can be a good choice for those of you who participate to one of the Eclipse IWG meetings organized the day before EDT 2012. Price starts at 91€
- Additionally, a number of affordable hotels are located in Toulouse Dontown, like the three Hotels "Ours Blanc" which are ideally located near the Capitol and offer correct rooms with free Wifi from 75€.
Agenda Polarsys Meeting on May23rd
- 09:00 - 09:30 Welcome Coffee
- 9:30 - 13:00 Polarsys session
- 9:30 OPEES/Polarsys Status - Participation Agreement, Charter, communication, website, membership pipe
- 11:00 Break
- 11:15 Status about Experimentations and Infrastructure by Jorge Juan Rodriguez, Indra. Will include:
- Presentation of GPM instance for Polarsys prototype
- Presentation of the experimentations of the infrastructure with Polychrony and GeneAuto
- 13:00 Lunch
- 14:00 Common session with Auto IWG Working Group
- Presentation of Polarsys
- Presentation of the Auto IWG
- Common Topics
- Presentation and discussion about Requirements / RMF. Requirements Modeling Framework (RMF) Presentation done by Michael Jastram
- Discussion about tools qualification based on a Presentation of tools qualification by Oscar Slotosch from Validas
- Modeling Team Work and big models
- OSLC - Discussion of tools interoperability
- 17:30 End of the meeting
Agenda of the Eclipse Day Toulouse
The Eclipse Day Toulouse will be a great opportunity for dissemination for Polarsys Members.
We would like to invite you to submit a paper of your work, especially if you have a demo that would interest the participants of the EDT.
The Call for Paper of the EDT is located at Eclipse_Day_Toulouse_2012. Please submit a paper on the conference Easy Chair Instance or drop a mail to
The EDT CFP ends on April 15th. The programm will be published by April 20th.
- Abdelghami El Kacimi (Itemis)
- Anne Haugommard (ATOS)
- Benjamin Monate (CEA)
- Benoit Langlois (Thales)
- Borja Rodriguez (SQS)
- Christian Labezin (Xipp)
- Gaël Blondelle (Obeo)
- Gert Johansson (Combitech)
- Ian Skerett (Eclipse Foundation)
- Jonas Gamalielsson (Skovde University)
- Jorge Juan Rodriguez (INDRA)
- Lei Pi (Intecs)
- Loïc Salvado (Alyotech)
- Maurice Heitz (CS)
- Paul Arberet (CNES)
- Pierre Gaufillet (Airbus)
- Pierre Moro (EADS Astrium)
- Ralph Mueller (Eclipse Foundation)
- Raphaël Faudou (ATOS)
- Romain Berrendonner (Adacore)
- Tristan Faure (ATOS)
- Xavier Plavis (Astrium)
- Yang Zhibin (IRIT)
- Harald Mackamul (Robert Bosch)
- Ignacio Garro (Continental)
- Lars Greyer-Blauweiser (ETA)
- Loïc Urbain (ECA Sinters)
- Mario Dviussi (Virtual Vehicule)
- Marko Tomljenovic (Robert Bosch)
- Markus Utz (Robert Bosch)
- Matthias Watzal (Continental)
- Maximilian Kögel (Eclipse Source)
- Michael Jastram (Formal Mind)
- Michael Rudovfer (BMW Car IT)
- Oscar Slotosch (Validas)
- Stephan Eberle (Itemis)
- Tilmann Ochs (BWM Car IT)
- Paul Arberet asked for organizing a point about issues raised around MDT Papyrus.
- Charter & Membership agreement
- Still being finalized. The documents are being reviewed by legal departments of potential steering members (Thales, Airbus, CEA, CNES, Ericsson).
- Current issues
- Web site and online presence
- Borja Rodriguez proposes to update the OPEES web site. Borja will ask for informations to all OPEES members.
- Communication package: still in progress at Airbus.
- Alain Rossignol and Xavier Plavis (Astrium) propose to organize a CCB for MDT Papyrus in mid-Jun.
- Use the opportunity of October 26th meeting to organize CCBs?
- Definition of Polarsys bundles
- What bundles will be published beyond Topcased?
- Benoit Langlois proposes to keep a simple approach based on maturity-oriented bundles (experimental, core, etc.).
- Maurice Heitz, Romain Berrendonner and Benjamin Monate raises the question of the added value of Polarsys for end users and tool providers. The conclusion is that it is up to the end users to show and expose the added-value of the organization for them. But the actual organization has to ensure that everybody have interest in being a member of Polarsys.
- Each technological projects in Polarsys may propose a build.
- Polarsys bundles are more than Eclipse packaging because of functional testing.
- Begin with the definition of technological projects.
- Go on with the definition of Polarsys bundles/packages.
- Benoit works on exposing its proposal on packages/bundles on the Polarsys wiki.
- Start Eclipse/Polarsys project proposals
- Pierre Gaufillet will work on the Polarsys Top Level project proposal in Jun.
- OPEES experimentations
- gPM instance for Quality Assessment Infratool. Based on UPV domain model. WiP. Some future developments: integration in build chains (metrics injections), synthetic dashboards, HTML export.
- GeneAuto UI: Git, Hudson, build tests in progress. Some issues when eGit solved
- Polarsys/AutoIWG join meeting
- Presentation of Polarsys and AutoIWG
- Collaboration with VERDE, ProR
- interop ReqIF through ProSTEP
- they have already worked on an integration with TOPCASED (paper published)
- Agesys has already started to work on RMF integration in TOPCASED.
- Qualification of tools
- Presentation from Oscar Slotosch. Work for Eclipse plug-ins mainly.
- Question from Paul Arberet: how far the approach of AutoIWG is compatible with what has been done in OPEES WP3. Launch an join action to solve that point. Use the work done on Geneauto / Framac to compare.
- Model Team Work
- Automated unload of not used anymore objects thanks to the notion of weak reference to limit memory explosion => performances. But first exp. done by Bosch with CDO on that topic are not convincing.
- Extracts / Shared / distributed models: identified by Polarsys members but also of interest in the AutoIWG
- VCS: grain, process (lock/unlock vs diff/merge). Idem than the previous topic.
- Conclusion: create a join WG to work on that topic, define a specification together and propose improvement to the Modeling stack.
- Presentation from Benoit Langlois
- Another potential collaboration topic?