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Goals and Vision
In demanding engineering domains, such as aerospace, defense and security, transportation, energy, healthcare or telecommunications, safety-critical and embedded system development has to deal with several strong requirements:
- Innovation
- ensuring the highest levels of safety, reliability, service and performance implies a Continuous effort of Research & Development, not only on the products themselves but also on the development methods & tools.
- Computer Assistance and Automation
- the numerous and complex operations required to develop and maintain industrial systems imply a high level of automation based on software tools.
- Certification
- from DO178 to ISO26262 and ECSS 40, the development of safety-critical and embedded system has to comply with strict regulations impacting not only the final product, but also its development process and the tools used to build it.
- Very Long Term Support
- typical products have life cycles that go from 30 years up to 70 years. During all this time, the tool chains have to remain operational.
Polarsys aims at answering these needs by:
- Providing a set of industry-friendly open source tools & components.
- Providing collaborative means to make open innovation easier.
- Fostering exchanges between academics and industrial partners.
- Operating dedicated software repositories, build chains, test facilities, etc.
- Managing the quality and maturity of tools & components from early research prototypes up to the obsolescence.
- Mutualizing the research, development and maintenance efforts as far as possible.
- Organizing sustainable commercial services & ecosystem around those components.
- Providing the documents required to cope with certification issues.
- Recognizing projects maturity and companies know-how and commitment through a Labeling process.
Core domains
Polarsys focuses on techniques and tools to fulfill its goal and vision, and mainly on:
- System, Hardware and Software Modeling
- Code analysis (static code analysis)
- Debugging, tracing and other integration tools
- Transversal process support tools : Configuration Management, Change tracking, Technical facts management, Project reporting
- Test and verification tools targeting embedded software methods, simulation and early validation
- Embedded components (RTOS, Middleware, ...)
- System on Chip simulation and Hardware logic (VHDL, SystemC, ...)
Other domain specific techniques and tools can be proposed for acceptance by the IWG steering committee.
Polarsys will be governed as an Eclipse Industry Working Group under a charter drafted by the OPEES consortium with the support of the EMO. This charter will describe rights & duties of Polarsys' members.
Funding and Services
An entity must be at least Solutions Members of the Eclipse Foundation and adhere to the IWG under the conditions and acording to the fees defined in the Polarsys Charter to participate to the Polarsys IWG.
The IWG membership gives access to additional services and infrastructure including:
- Long term support, including build infrastructure, release downloads, digital signing for release signing, etc.
- Access to all the IWG private resources hosted in the Polarsys IWG firewalled web area, for instance Components Qualification Kits, Long Term Support (LTS) and Very Long Term Support (VLTS) Binary Releases
- IWG-specific test and certification programs.
- Participation to the Polarsys components Change Control Boards
- Labelling
- Legal reviews required for any projects which are part of the IWG initiative but not hosted at Eclipse.
Interested Parties
- Airbus
- Astrium
- Atos
- Combitech
- Ericsson
- European Space Agency
- Indra
- Inria
- Intecs France
- Obeo
- Technalia
- Thales
- Soyatec
Other working group charter or proposals
The following IWG have some common objectives with Polarsys:
We will foster coordination and sharing as far as possible.
Tentative roadmap
This part presents the tentative roadmap of Polarsys for 2011 and 2012.
2011 Milestones
- September 2011: Submission of Polarsys proposal
- September 2011-December 2012: Gathering Polarsys community
- November 2011: Announcement of Polarsys during EclipseCon Europe
- January 2012: Kick-off of Polarsys
2012 Milestones
The purpose is to start aligning the Polarsys roadmap on the Eclipse release train.
For each version, Polarsys will release two deliverables: the official Polarsys release and the experimental Polarsys release.
Topcased components will start populating the experimental release in 2012. After graduation, and at their pace, they will progressively join the offical release. A Topcased component such as MDT-Papyrus, which is also an Eclipse component, will be aggregated to the first official release.
Components with the Polarsys label (i.e., which necessary conform to the Polarsys goals), and mature enough, will also be integrated to the first official release.
Some components, for instance from academics, will be aggregated to the experimental release.
Organization and Contact
For more information, please contact gael (dot) blondelle (at) obeo (dot) fr or ralph (dot) mueller (at) eclipse (dot) org.
You can also subscribe to the polarsys-iwg mailing list in order to join the discussions.
Documents and Terms
The Eclipse Industry Working Group (IWG) Policy Eclipse Industry Working Group Process
The Guidelines for Eclipse Logos & Trademarks [1]