Perforce: Laurette Cisneros, Pascal Soccard, Robin Gardner
WR: Martin Oberhuber, Doug Gaff
Products tested
WB 2.6, Perforce 2006.2
Overall Result
Worked, with a few issues
Installed perforce server and client & WB 2.6
Added files from a project to the Depot
Tested check-in, check-out, diff.
Rename project
Rename file
Compare editor - save button doesn't check out automatically
Setting up the default workspace in perforce to see your Eclipse workspace is an important step that users need to get right
Line endings: perforce defaults to local, but Eclipse defaults to keep line endings as-is in the file. When you do a version diff, you might see every line changed. Tried changing perforce to "share", but this put the version in the Depot in Unix line style.
When you rename the project, the version control associations are lost
In Perforce Perspective, the Window - Show View menu doesn't show the shortcuts to the perforce views (they are listed in Other).
Submitted Changelist view - Depot view provides context selection, but editor does not.
Submit at the project level is broken. (Has been fixed in recent release.)
Feature request: CVS has a drop down to show previous comments on check-in. Would be nice for Perforce, too.