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Papyrus/Mars Work Description/Improvments/Wizards
The goal is to improve the manipulation of the project and model creation wizard and tailor their comportment according to the user's choices.
Related bugs
Bug 439894: [Wizard] Refactoring and enhancement
Bug 435474: [Wizards] Wizards should set the name of the created diagrams
Bug 412676: Models created from uml files containing spaces in their names are invalid
Bug 440842: [New Papyrus Model Wizard] Model templates check list should have a scroll bar
Bug 435501: [Usability] The create new model wizard asks questions in the wrong order
Bug 469830: [Profiles] Mars Regression - Do not rename selected/named profile package to RootElement on profile model creation
Bug 466259: [Wizards] Error message not displayed when trying to create a project/model which already exists (With different case)
Bug 471328: [Wizard] Creating a model without a containing project results in an NPE exception
Bug 471455: [WIzard] Impossible to deselect a template from the combo box
Bug 471453: [Wizard] the name of the model&rootElement should be initialized based on the project or the container
Bug 471735: New Model Wizard usability regressions
Development link
Gerrit Links:
- Gerrit 439894, 435474, 412676, 440842: reordering and general refactoring of the entire wizard
- Gerrit 435501:
- changed the order of the wizard pages - made the new model name retain '.profile' if based on existing semantic model - Changed the SelectDiagramCatagoryPage message to show 'model' rather than 'diagram' (since it is the model type that is selected) - removed the warning message shown when the model type didn't match the extension (since the extension is set automatically) - improved trimming of extensionPrefixes as suggested in comment
- added a default root naming when creating a new profile from an existing model of the workspace - disabled the selectRootElementPage - fix the NPEs resulting from the disabled page
- disabled the Next and Finish buttons if a model with the same name already extists in the workspace - disabled the Next and Finish buttons if a project with the same name already extists in the workspace - added a message signaling why those buttons were disabled - added an error message if the user is unable to create and open the new papyrus model
- modified the validation of the NewModelFilePage to prevent users to create a model outside a proper container
- the names of the model and its rootElement are now initialized from the model's container - rebased this onto Bug 471328 (dependent of this change)
- added a deselect mechanism to the template comboVIewer
- added new icons for the new Model/Project wizard - separated the core uml options from the dsml ones - added a sort mechanism for them - the wizard now properly recalls previous language selections - sets the default language selection to UML if none were previously selected - modified the way the DiagramKindPage composite's sizes are computed - added a new Profile selection composite allowing the user to select registered composites - modified the Messages of the NewModelFilePage - the names of the languages are now sorted through a secondary strength collator - the UML language is now the first on the UML core group - modified the CreateModelWizard to avoid cast exceptions when applying a profile to a newly created one
Here are a few, non exhaustive, screenshots to illustrate the changes through a profile creation example: